DUNE: Uniform Navigational Environment  2.6.0-rc4
DUNE::Plans::SpeedModel Member List

This is the complete list of members for DUNE::Plans::SpeedModel, including all inherited members.

SpeedModel(Parsers::Config *config)DUNE::Plans::SpeedModel
SpeedModel(const std::vector< float > &act, const std::vector< float > &rpm, const std::vector< float > &mps)DUNE::Plans::SpeedModel
toAct(float value, uint8_t units) const DUNE::Plans::SpeedModel
toMPS(float value, uint8_t units) const DUNE::Plans::SpeedModel
toRPM(float value, uint8_t units) const DUNE::Plans::SpeedModel
validate(void) const DUNE::Plans::SpeedModel