This section will guide you through the process of installing Neptus on both Windows and Linux operating systems.
In order to run Neptus, you should have at least 1 GB of available RAM memory, a 1GHz CPU and 512 MB of hard drive space. For better performance, it is recommended that you have 2 GB of available RAM memory, an Intel Core i3 or better CPU, an accelerated graphics card (for 3D visualizations) and extra disk space for storing incoming vehicle data.
Neptus supports both 32 and 64 bit architectures and is continuously tested under Windows and Linux operating systems.
To install Neptus under Windows, it is necessary to download and execute the installer for your architecture (e.g. Neptus*.exe, the '*' part depends on the file name for the version to install). After reading and accepting the license (a copy of this license can be found in the legal folder of Neptus installation directory), you can opt for the directory where to install Neptus (by default this is C:\Neptus*). After the installation process is complete, you can launch Neptus from the Start Menu.
Under Windows, for the time being, don’t install Neptus in Program Files folder. Choose to install it on your system root folder.
To install Neptus under Linux, it is necessary to download and execute the installer for your architecture (e.g. Neptus*.sh). To run this installer, you can execute the command:
sh ./Neptus*.sh
As a result, a new folder, named Neptus* will be created with all required files to run Neptus. To execute Neptus, go to the installation directory and execute the command:
If you have problems with the sound not working you can use the alternative way to start with the command:
padsp ./