Camera Zoom.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Camera Number | id | - | uint8_t | The identification number of the destination camera. | Same as field type |
Absolute Zoom Level | zoom | - | uint8_t | Absolute zoom level. | Same as field type |
Action | action | Enumerated | uint8_t | The zoom action to perform. | Same as field type |
Actuate directly on a thruster.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Thruster Number | id | - | uint8_t | The identification number of the destination thruster. | Same as field type |
Actuation Value | value | - | fp32_t | Actuation magnitude. | Same as field type |
Set the position of a servo.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Identifier | id | - | uint8_t | The identification number of the destination servo. | Same as field type |
Position | value | rad | fp32_t | Actuation magnitude. | Same as field type |
Set the deflection angle of a control surface.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Identifier | id | - | uint8_t | The identification number of the destination control surface. | Same as field type |
Angle | angle | rad | fp32_t | Actuation magnitude. | Same as field type |
This message is used as query to request for the possible remote actions (operation=QUERY and the list is empty in this case). The vehicle responds using the same message type returning the tuplelist with the pairs: Action,Type (operation=REPORT). The type of action can be Axis, Hat or Button.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
operation | op | Enumerated | uint8_t | Operation to perform. | Same as field type |
Actions | actions | TupleList | plaintext | Example: “Propulsion=Axis,PanTilt=Hat,Lights=Button” | Same as field type |
This message is used to send a periodic update of values for each remote action. If the action is not on the list the assumed value is 0.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Actions | actions | TupleList | plaintext | List of values for each remote action (e.g: “Propeler=0.6,PanTilt=0.75,Lights=1”). | Same as field type |
Event of a specific hardware button.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Button | button | - | uint8_t | Button identifier. | Same as field type |
Value | value | - | uint8_t | Value of the button. | Same as field type |
Control LCD.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Operation | op | Enumerated | uint8_t | The LCD action to perform | Same as field type |
Text | text | - | plaintext | Text to be written (if defined write operation). | Same as field type |
This message allows controlling the system’s power lines.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Operation | op | Enumerated | uint8_t | Operation type. | Same as field type |
Time Remaining | time_remain | s | fp32_t | Time remaining to complete operation. | Same as field type |
Scheduled Time | sched_time | s | fp64_t | Scheduled time of operation. | Same as field type |
This message allows controlling power channels.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Channel Name | name | - | plaintext | The name of the power channel. | Same as field type |
Operation | op | Enumerated | uint8_t | Operation to perform. | Same as field type |
Scheduled Time | sched_time | s | fp64_t | Scheduled time of operation. | Same as field type |
Request the state of power channels.
This message has no fields.
Message conveying the state of a power channel.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Name | name | - | plaintext | Power Channel Name. | Same as field type |
State | state | Enumerated | uint8_t | State of the Power Channel. | Same as field type |
Brightness value of an LED (Light-Emitting Diode).
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Name | name | - | plaintext | LED name. | Same as field type |
Value | value | - | uint8_t | Brightness value. | Same as field type |
Query the brightness of an LED (Light-Emitting Diode). The recipient of this message shall reply with ‘LedBrightness’.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Name | name | - | plaintext | LED name. | Same as field type |
Control the brightness of an LED (Light-Emitting Diode). The recipient of this message shall set the intensity of the LED to the desired ‘value’ and reply with ‘LedBrightness’.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Name | name | - | plaintext | LED name. | Same as field type |
Value | value | - | uint8_t | Desired brightness value. | Same as field type |
Set properties of a PWM signal channel.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Channel Identifier | id | - | uint8_t | PWM channel identifier. | Same as field type |
Period | period | µs | uint32_t | The total period of the PWM signal (sum of active and inactive time of the PWM). | Same as field type |
Duty Cycle | duty_cycle | µs | uint32_t | The active time of the PWM signal. The duty cycle value must be less or equal to the period. | Same as field type |
Properties of a PWM signal channel.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Channel Identifier | id | - | uint8_t | PWM channel identifier. | Same as field type |
Period | period | µs | uint32_t | The total period of the PWM signal (sum of active and inactive time of the PWM). | Same as field type |
Duty Cycle | duty_cycle | µs | uint32_t | The active time of the PWM signal. The duty cycle value is less or equal to the period. | Same as field type |