Number of revolutions per minute.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Value | value | rpm | int16_t | Number of revolutions per minute. | Same as field type |
Report of electrical voltage.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Measured Voltage Value | value | V | fp32_t | The value of the internal electrical voltage as measured by the sensor. | Same as field type |
Report of electrical current.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Measured Current Value | value | A | fp32_t | The value of the internal electrical current as measured by the sensor. | Same as field type |
Report of a GPS fix.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Validity | validity | Bitfield | uint16_t | Validity of fields. | Same as field type |
Type | type | Enumerated | uint8_t | Type of fix. | Same as field type |
UTC Year | utc_year | - | uint16_t | UTC year. | Same as field type |
UTC Month | utc_month | - | uint8_t | UTC month. | Same as field type |
UTC Day | utc_day | - | uint8_t | UTC day. | Same as field type |
UTC Time of Fix | utc_time | s | fp32_t | UTC time of the GPS fix measured in seconds since 00:00:00 (midnight). | Same as field type |
Latitude WGS-84 | lat | rad | fp64_t | WGS-84 Latitude coordinate. | Same as field type |
Longitude WGS-84 | lon | rad | fp64_t | WGS-84 Longitude coordinate. | Same as field type |
Height above WGS-84 ellipsoid | height | m | fp32_t | Height above WGS-84 ellipsoid. | Same as field type |
Number of Satellites | satellites | - | uint8_t | Number of satellites used by the GPS device to compute the solution. | Same as field type |
Course Over Ground | cog | rad | fp32_t | Course Over Ground (true). | Same as field type |
Speed Over Ground | sog | m/s | fp32_t | Speed Over Ground. | Same as field type |
Horizontal Dilution of Precision | hdop | - | fp32_t | Horizontal dilution of precision. | Same as field type |
Vertical Dilution of Precision | vdop | - | fp32_t | Vertical dilution of precision. | Same as field type |
Horizontal Accuracy Estimate | hacc | m | fp32_t | Horizontal Accuracy Estimate. | Same as field type |
Vertical Accuracy Estimate | vacc | m | fp32_t | Vertical Accuracy Estimate. | Same as field type |
Report of spatial orientation according to SNAME’s notation (1950).
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Device Time | time | s | fp64_t | The device time. | Same as field type |
Roll Angle | phi | rad | fp64_t | Rotation around the vehicle longitudinal axis. | Same as field type |
Pitch Angle | theta | rad | fp64_t | Rotation around the vehicle lateral or transverse axis. | Same as field type |
Yaw Angle (True) | psi | rad | fp64_t | Rotation around the vehicle vertical axis. A value of 0 means the vehicle is oriented towards true north. In cases where the sensor cannot measure the true heading, this field will have the same value as Yaw (Magnetic). | Same as field type |
Yaw Angle (Magnetic) | psi_magnetic | rad | fp64_t | Rotation around the vehicle vertical axis. A value of 0 means the vehicle is oriented towards magnetic north. In cases where the sensor cannot measure the magnetic heading, this field will have the same value as Yaw (True). | Same as field type |
Component of incremetal orientation vector over a period of time.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Device Time | time | s | fp64_t | The device time. | Same as field type |
X | x | rad | fp64_t | X component. | Same as field type |
Y | y | rad | fp64_t | Y component. | Same as field type |
Z | z | rad | fp64_t | Z component. | Same as field type |
Timestep | timestep | s | fp32_t | Period of time of the orientation vector increments. | Same as field type |
Vector quantifying the direction and magnitude of the measured angular velocity that a device is exposed to.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Device Time | time | s | fp64_t | The device time. | Same as field type |
X | x | rad/s | fp64_t | X component. | Same as field type |
Y | y | rad/s | fp64_t | Y component. | Same as field type |
Z | z | rad/s | fp64_t | Z component. | Same as field type |
Vector quantifying the direction and magnitude of the measured acceleration that a device is exposed to.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Device Time | time | s | fp64_t | The device time. | Same as field type |
X | x | m/s/s | fp64_t | X component. | Same as field type |
Y | y | m/s/s | fp64_t | Y component. | Same as field type |
Z | z | m/s/s | fp64_t | Z component. | Same as field type |
Vector quantifying the direction and magnitude of the measured magnetic field that a device is exposed to.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Device Time | time | s | fp64_t | The device time. | Same as field type |
X | x | G | fp64_t | X component. | Same as field type |
Y | y | G | fp64_t | Y component. | Same as field type |
Z | z | G | fp64_t | Z component. | Same as field type |
Vector quantifying the direction and magnitude of the measured velocity relative to the ground that a device is exposed to.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Validity | validity | Bitfield | uint8_t | Each bit of this field represents if a given velocity component is valid. | Same as field type |
X | x | m/s | fp64_t | X component. | Same as field type |
Y | y | m/s | fp64_t | Y component. | Same as field type |
Z | z | m/s | fp64_t | Z component. | Same as field type |
Vector quantifying the direction and magnitude of the measured velocity relative to the water that a device is exposed to.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Validity | validity | Bitfield | uint8_t | Each bit of this field represents if a given velocity component is valid. | Same as field type |
X | x | m/s | fp64_t | X component. | Same as field type |
Y | y | m/s | fp64_t | Y component. | Same as field type |
Z | z | m/s | fp64_t | Z component. | Same as field type |
Component of incremetal velocity vector.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Device Time | time | s | fp64_t | The device time. | Same as field type |
X | x | m/s | fp64_t | X component. | Same as field type |
Y | y | m/s | fp64_t | Y component. | Same as field type |
Z | z | m/s | fp64_t | Z component. | Same as field type |
Distance measurement detected by the device.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Validity | validity | Enumerated | uint8_t | Validity of the measurement. | Same as field type |
Location | location | - | message-list | Device Location in the system. | Same as field type |
Beam Configuration | beam_config | - | message-list | Beam configuration of the device. | Same as field type |
Measured Distance | value | m | fp32_t | Measured distance. | Same as field type |
Report of temperature.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Measured Temperature | value | °C | fp32_t | The value of the temperature as measured by the sensor. | Same as field type |
Report of external pressure.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Measured Pressure | value | hPa | fp64_t | The value of the pressure as measured by the sensor. | Same as field type |
Depth report.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Measured Depth | value | m | fp32_t | Depth value measured by a sensor. | Same as field type |
Report of Depth Offset.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Measured Offset | value | m | fp32_t | Depth offset. | Same as field type |
Sound Speed report.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Computed Sound Speed | value | m/s | fp32_t | Estimated sound speed. Negative values denote invalid estimates. | Same as field type |
Water Density report.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Computed Water Density | value | kg/m/m/m | fp32_t | Computed Water Density. | Same as field type |
Report of conductivity.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Measured Conductivity | value | S/m | fp32_t | The value of the conductivity as measured by the sensor. | Same as field type |
Report of salinity.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Measured Salinity | value | PSU | fp32_t | The value of the salinity as measured by the sensor. | Same as field type |
Measurement of wind speed.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Direction | direction | rad | fp32_t | Direction of the measured wind speed. | Same as field type |
Speed | speed | m/s | fp32_t | The value of the wind speed as measured by the sensor. | Same as field type |
Turbulence | turbulence | m/s | fp32_t | Wind turbulence intensity. | Same as field type |
Measurement of relative humidity.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Relative Humidity Value | value | - | fp32_t | Value of relative humidity. | Same as field type |
Verbatim representation of device data in plain text format.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Value | value | - | plaintext | Plain text data as extracted directly from the device. | Same as field type |
Verbatim representation of device data in binary format.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Value | value | - | rawdata | Raw binary data as extracted directly from the device. | Same as field type |
This message contains the data acquired by a single sonar measurement.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Type | type | Enumerated | uint8_t | Type of sonar. | Same as field type |
Frequency | frequency | Hz | uint32_t | Operating frequency. | Same as field type |
Minimum Range | min_range | m | uint16_t | Minimum range. | Same as field type |
Maximum Range | max_range | m | uint16_t | Maximum range. | Same as field type |
Bits Per Data Point | bits_per_point | bit | uint8_t | Size of the data unit. | Same as field type |
Scaling Factor | scale_factor | - | fp32_t | Scaling factor used to multiply each data unit to restore the original floating point value. | Same as field type |
Beam Configuration | beam_config | - | message-list | Beam configuration of the device. | Same as field type |
Data | data | - | rawdata | Data acquired by the measurement. | Same as field type |
Hardware pulse detection.
This message has no fields.
Control of hardware pulse detection.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Operation | op | Enumerated | uint8_t | Activate or deactivate hardware pulse detection. | Same as field type |
Report of fuel level.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Value | value | % | fp32_t | Fuel level percentage of the system. | Same as field type |
Confidence Level | confidence | % | fp32_t | Percentage level of confidence in the estimation of the amount of energy in the batteries. | Same as field type |
Operation Modes | opmodes | TupleList | plaintext | Operation mode name and the estimated time available in that mode in hours. Example: “Motion=1.5” | Same as field type |
Actual position of a servo.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Identifier | id | - | uint8_t | Servo identifier. | Same as field type |
Position | value | rad | fp32_t | Value of the servo position. | Same as field type |
Location of a specific device in the system infrastructure.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Device Position - X | x | m | fp32_t | Device’s position over the X axis. | Same as field type |
Device Position - Y | y | m | fp32_t | Device’s position over the Y axis. | Same as field type |
Device Position - Z | z | m | fp32_t | Device’s position over the Z axis. | Same as field type |
Device Rotation - X | phi | rad | fp32_t | Device’s rotation over the X axis. | Same as field type |
Device Rotation - Y | theta | rad | fp32_t | Device’s rotation over the Y axis. | Same as field type |
Device Rotation - Z | psi | rad | fp32_t | Device’s rotation over the Z axis. | Same as field type |
Beam configuration of the device.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Beam Width | beam_width | rad | fp32_t | Beam width of the instrument. A negative number denotes that this information is not available or is not applicable. | Same as field type |
Beam Height | beam_height | rad | fp32_t | Beam height of the instrument. A negative number denotes that this information is not available or is not applicable. | Same as field type |
Report sanity or lack of it in the data output by a sensor.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Sanity | sane | Enumerated | uint8_t | Whether the data is sane or not sane. | Same as field type |
Rhodamine Dye measurement.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Value | value | PPB | fp32_t | Amount of rhodamine dye detected. | Same as field type |
Crude oil measurement.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Value | value | PPB | fp32_t | Amount of crude oil detected. | Same as field type |
Fine oil measurement.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Value | value | PPB | fp32_t | Amount of fine oil detected. | Same as field type |
Turbidity measurement.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Value | value | NTU | fp32_t | Turbidity reading. | Same as field type |
Chlorophyll measurement.
Name | Abbreviation | Unit | Type | Description | Range |
Value | value | µg/L | fp32_t | Chlorophyll reading. | Same as field type |