Guidance Messages

Desired Heading

Desired Heading angle reference value for the control layer.

  • Abbreviation: DesiredHeading
  • Identification Number: 400
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
  • Message Size: 30 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value rad fp64_t The value of the desired heading angle, relative to true north, in radians. Same as field type

Desired Z

Desired Z reference value for the control layer.

  • Abbreviation: DesiredZ
  • Identification Number: 401
  • Payload Size: 5 bytes
  • Message Size: 27 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value m fp32_t The value of the desired z reference in meters. Same as field type
Z Units z_units Enumerated (Enum Z Units) uint8_t Units of the z reference. Same as field type

Desired Speed

Desired Speed reference value for the control layer.

  • Abbreviation: DesiredSpeed
  • Identification Number: 402
  • Payload Size: 9 bytes
  • Message Size: 31 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value - fp64_t The value of the desired speed, in the scale specified by the “Speed Units” field. Same as field type
Speed Units speed_units Enumerated (Enum Speed Units) uint8_t Indicates the units used for the speed value. Same as field type

Desired Roll

Desired Roll angle reference value for the control layer.

  • Abbreviation: DesiredRoll
  • Identification Number: 403
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
  • Message Size: 30 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value rad fp64_t The value of the desired roll angle. Same as field type

Desired Pitch

Desired Pitch angle reference value for the control layer.

  • Abbreviation: DesiredPitch
  • Identification Number: 404
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
  • Message Size: 30 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value rad fp64_t The value of the desired pitch angle. Same as field type

Desired Vertical Rate

Desired Vertical Rate speed reference value for the control layer.

  • Abbreviation: DesiredVerticalRate
  • Identification Number: 405
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
  • Message Size: 30 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value m/s fp64_t The value of the desired vertical rate speed in meters per second. Same as field type

Desired Path

Perform path control.

The path is specified by two WGS-84 waypoints, respective altitude / depth settings, optional loitering at the end point, and some control flags.

The start and end waypoints are defined by the specified end point fields (‘end_{lat/lon/z}’) plus:

1. the start waypoint fields (‘start_{lat|lon|z}’) if the ‘START’ flag (bit in ‘flags’ field) is set; or 2. the end point of the previous path recently tracked; or 3. the current location is the ‘DIRECT’ flag is set or if the tracker has been idle for some time.

Altitude and depth control can be performed as follows:

1. by default, the tracker will just transmit an altitude/depth reference value equal to ‘end_z’ to the appropriate controller; 2. if the ‘NO_Z’ flag is set no altitude/depth control will take place, hence they can be controlled independently; 3. if the ‘3DTRACK’ flag is set, 3D-tracking will be done (if supported by the active controller).

Loitering can be specified at the end point with a certain radius (‘lradius’), duration (‘lduration’), and clockwise or counter-clockwise direction (‘CCLOCKW’ flag).

  • Abbreviation: DesiredPath
  • Identification Number: 406
  • Payload Size: 56 bytes
  • Message Size: 78 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Path Reference path_ref - uint32_t Unsigned integer reference for the scope of the desired path message. Path reference should only be set by a maneuver. Should be set to an always increasing reference at the time of dispatching this message. Lower level path controllers must inherit the same path reference sent by maneuver. Same as field type
Start Point – Latitude WGS-84 start_lat rad fp64_t WGS-84 latitude of start point. This will be ignored unless the ‘START’ flag is set. min=-1.5707963267948966, max=1.5707963267948966
Start Point – WGS-84 Longitude start_lon rad fp64_t WGS-84 longitude of start point. This will be ignored unless the ‘START’ flag is set. min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
Start Point – Z Reference start_z m fp32_t Altitude or depth of start point. This parameter will be ignored if the ‘NO_Z’ flag is set, or if the ‘START’ flag is not set. Same as field type
Start Point – Z Units start_z_units Enumerated (Enum Z Units) uint8_t Units of the start point’s z reference. Same as field type
End Point – WGS84 Latitude end_lat rad fp64_t WGS-84 latitude of end point. min=-1.5707963267948966, max=1.5707963267948966
End Point – WGS-84 Longitude end_lon rad fp64_t WGS-84 longitude of end point. min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
End Point – Z Reference end_z m fp32_t Depth or altitude for the end point. This parameter will be ignored if the ‘NO_Z’ flag is set. Same as field type
End Point – Z Units end_z_units Enumerated (Enum Z Units) uint8_t Units of the end point’s z reference. Same as field type
Speed speed - fp32_t Maneuver speed reference. Same as field type
Speed Units speed_units Enumerated (Enum Speed Units) uint8_t Speed units. Same as field type
Loiter – Radius lradius m fp32_t Radius for loitering at end point. Specify less or equal to 0 for no loitering. Same as field type
Flags flags Bitfield (Bitfield Flags) uint8_t Desired Path flags. Same as field type

Bitfield Flags

Desired Path flags.

  • Abbreviation: flags
  • Prefix: FL
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x01 Start Point START Indicates that the start point specification is given, therefore it should be considered for tracking.
0x02 Direct DIRECT If start point is not given, ignore also the previous path’s endpoint and take the start point to be the current vehicle location.
0x04 No Altitude/Depth control NO_Z Ignore altitude/depth setting and let them be controlled independently.
0x08 3D Tracking 3DTRACK Perform 3D-tracking, i.e., consider the path formed in the XYZ plane taking into account both the ‘start_z’ and ‘end_z’ values.
0x10 Counter-Clockwise loiter CCLOCKW Indicates that loitering, if defined, should be done counter-clockwise. Clockwise loitering will apply otherwise.
0x20 Loiter from current position LOITER_CURR Indicates that loitering, if defined, should be done from the current vehicle position. The end_lat and end_lon fields will be ignored.
0x40 Takeoff TAKEOFF Indicates that takeoff should be done before going to the end position.
0x80 Land LAND Indicates that the system should land at the end position.

Desired Control

Set the desired virtual forces and torques to be applied to the vehicle.

  • Abbreviation: DesiredControl
  • Identification Number: 407
  • Payload Size: 49 bytes
  • Message Size: 71 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Force along the x axis x N fp64_t Force X along the vehicle’s x axis. Same as field type
Force along the y axis y N fp64_t Force Y along the vehicle’s y axis. Same as field type
Force along the z axis z N fp64_t Force Z along the vehicle’s z axis. Same as field type
Torque about the x axis k Nm fp64_t Torque K about the vehicle’s x axis. Same as field type
Torque about the y axis m Nm fp64_t Torque M about the vehicle’s y axis. Same as field type
Torque about the z axis n Nm fp64_t Torque N about the vehicle’s z axis. Same as field type
Flags flags Bitfield (Bitfield Flags) uint8_t Desired Control flags. Same as field type

Bitfield Flags

Desired Control flags.

  • Abbreviation: flags
  • Prefix: FL
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x01 Value of X is meaningful X If enabled then field X has a meaningful value.
0x02 Value of Y is meaningful Y If enabled then field Y has a meaningful value.
0x04 Value of Z is meaningful Z If enabled then field Z has a meaningful value.
0x08 Value of K is meaningful K If enabled then field K has a meaningful value.
0x10 Value of M is meaningful M If enabled then field M has a meaningful value.
0x20 Value of N is meaningful N If enabled then field N has a meaningful value.

Desired Heading Rate

Desired Heading Rate speed reference value for the control layer.

  • Abbreviation: DesiredHeadingRate
  • Identification Number: 408
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
  • Message Size: 30 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value rad/s fp64_t The value of the desired heading rate speed in radians per second. Same as field type

Desired Velocity

Desired value for each linear and angular speeds.

  • Abbreviation: DesiredVelocity
  • Identification Number: 409
  • Payload Size: 49 bytes
  • Message Size: 71 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Desired Linear Speed in xx u m/s fp64_t Desired speed along the vehicle’s x axis. Same as field type
Desired Linear Speed in yy v m/s fp64_t Desired speed along the vehicle’s y axis. Same as field type
Desired Linear Speed in zz w m/s fp64_t Desired speed along the vehicle’s z axis. Same as field type
Desired Angular Speed in xx p m/s fp64_t Desired speed about the vehicle’s x axis. Same as field type
Desired Angular Speed in yy q m/s fp64_t Desired speed about the vehicle’s y axis. Same as field type
Desired Angular Speed in zz r m/s fp64_t Desired speed about the vehicle’s z axis. Same as field type
Flags flags Bitfield (Bitfield Flags) uint8_t Desired Velocity flags. Same as field type

Bitfield Flags

Desired Velocity flags.

  • Abbreviation: flags
  • Prefix: FL
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x01 Value of u is meaningful SURGE If enabled then field u has a meaningful value.
0x02 Value of v is meaningful SWAY If enabled then field u has a meaningful value.
0x04 Value of w is meaningful HEAVE If enabled then field w has a meaningful value.
0x08 Value of p is meaningful ROLL If enabled then field p has a meaningful value.
0x10 Value of q is meaningful PITCH If enabled then field q has a meaningful value.
0x20 Value of r is meaningful YAW If enabled then field r has a meaningful value.

Path Control State

Path control state issued by Path Controller.

  • Abbreviation: PathControlState
  • Identification Number: 410
  • Payload Size: 81 bytes
  • Message Size: 103 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Path Reference path_ref - uint32_t Unsigned integer reference of the desired path message to which this PathControlState message refers to. Path reference should only be set by a maneuver, not by path controllers. Same as field type
Start Point – Latitude WGS-84 start_lat rad fp64_t WGS-84 latitude of start point. min=-1.5707963267948966, max=1.5707963267948966
Start Point – WGS-84 Longitude start_lon rad fp64_t WGS-84 longitude of start point. min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
Start Point – Z Reference start_z m fp32_t Altitude or depth of start point. This parameter will be ignored if the ‘NO_Z’ flag is set, or if the ‘START’ flag is not set. Same as field type
Start Point – Z Units start_z_units Enumerated (Enum Z Units) uint8_t Units of the start point’s z reference. Same as field type
End Point – Latitude WGS-84 end_lat rad fp64_t WGS-84 latitude of end point. min=-1.5707963267948966, max=1.5707963267948966
End Point – WGS-84 Longitude end_lon rad fp64_t WGS-84 longitude of end point. min=-3.141592653589793, max=3.141592653589793
End Point – Z Reference end_z m fp32_t Depth or altitude for the end point. This parameter should be ignored if the ‘NO_Z’ flag is set. Same as field type
End Point – Z Units end_z_units Enumerated (Enum Z Units) uint8_t Units of the end point’s z reference. Same as field type
Loiter – Radius lradius m fp32_t Radius for loitering at end point. Will be 0 if no loitering is active. Same as field type
Flags flags Bitfield (Bitfield Flags) uint8_t Path control state flags. Same as field type
Along Track Position x m fp32_t Along-Track position value. Same as field type
Cross Track Position y m fp32_t Cross-Track position value. Same as field type
Vertical Track Position z m fp32_t Vertical-Track position value. Same as field type
Along Track Velocity vx m/s fp32_t Along-Track velocity value. Same as field type
Cross Track Velocity vy m/s fp32_t Cross-Track velocity value. Same as field type
Vertical Track Velocity vz m/s fp32_t Vertical-Track velocity value. Same as field type
Course Error course_error rad fp32_t Course error value. Same as field type
Estimated Time to Arrival (ETA) eta s uint16_t Estimated time to reach target waypoint. The value will be 65535 if the time is unknown or undefined, and 0 when loitering. Same as field type

Bitfield Flags

Path control state flags.

  • Abbreviation: flags
  • Prefix: FL
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x01 Near Endpoint NEAR Set if near the target endpoint.
0x02 Loitering LOITERING Set if loitering.
0x04 No Altitude/Depth control NO_Z Altitude/depth being controlled independently.
0x08 3D Tracking 3DTRACK 3D-tracking is active.
0x10 Counter-Clockwise loiter CCLOCKW Indicates that loitering, if active, is being done counter-clockwise. Otherwise, clockwise loitering should be assumed.

Allocated Control Torques

Control torques allocated to the actuators.

  • Abbreviation: AllocatedControlTorques
  • Identification Number: 411
  • Payload Size: 24 bytes
  • Message Size: 46 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Torque about the x axis k Nm fp64_t Torque K about the vehicle’s x axis. Same as field type
Torque about the y axis m Nm fp64_t Torque M about the vehicle’s y axis. Same as field type
Torque about the x axis n Nm fp64_t Torque N about the vehicle’s z axis. Same as field type

Control Parcel

Report of PID control parcels.

  • Abbreviation: ControlParcel
  • Identification Number: 412
  • Payload Size: 16 bytes
  • Message Size: 38 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Proportional Parcel p - fp32_t Proportional parcel value. Same as field type
Integrative Parcel i - fp32_t Integral parcel value. Same as field type
Derivative Parcel d - fp32_t Derivative parcel value. Same as field type
Anti-Windup Parcel a - fp32_t Anti-windup parcel value. Same as field type


Brake the vehicle in some way, i. e., reduce forward speed.

  • Abbreviation: Brake
  • Identification Number: 413
  • Payload Size: 1 bytes
  • Message Size: 23 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Operation op Enumerated (Enum Operation) uint8_t Brake operation. Same as field type

Enum Operation

Brake operation.

  • Abbreviation: op
  • Prefix: OP
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0 Stop Braking STOP Stop braking procedures.
1 Start Braking START Start braking procedures.
2 Revert Actuation REVERT Revert Actuation.

Desired Linear State

Position, velocity and acceleration setpoints in NED

  • Abbreviation: DesiredLinearState
  • Identification Number: 414
  • Payload Size: 74 bytes
  • Message Size: 96 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Desired pos in xx x m fp64_t Desired pos in x. Same as field type
Desired pos in yy y m fp64_t Desired pos in y. Same as field type
Desired pos in zz z m fp64_t Desired pos in z. Same as field type
Desired Linear Speed in xx vx m/s fp64_t Desired speed along NED x axis. Same as field type
Desired Linear Speed in yy vy m/s fp64_t Desired speed along NED y axis. Same as field type
Desired Linear Speed in zz vz m/s fp64_t Desired speed along NED z axis. Same as field type
Desired Linear Acceleration in xx ax m/s/s fp64_t Desired acceleration along NED x axis. Same as field type
Desired Linear Acceleration in yy ay m/s/s fp64_t Desired acceleration along NED y axis. Same as field type
Desired Linear Acceleration in zz az m/s/s fp64_t Desired acceleration along NED z axis. Same as field type
Flags flags Bitfield (Bitfield Flags) uint16_t Setpoint Flags Same as field type

Bitfield Flags

Setpoint Flags

  • Abbreviation: flags
  • Prefix: FL
Value Name Abbreviation Description
0x0001 Value of x is meaningful X If enabled then field x has a meaningful value.
0x0002 Value of y is meaningful Y If enabled then field y has a meaningful value.
0x0004 Value of z is meaningful Z If enabled then field z has a meaningful value.
0x0008 Value of vx is meaningful VX If enabled then field vx has a meaningful value.
0x0010 Value of vy is meaningful VY If enabled then field vy has a meaningful value.
0x0020 Value of vz is meaningful VZ If enabled then field vz has a meaningful value.
0x0040 Value of ax is meaningful AX If enabled then field ax has a meaningful value.
0x0080 Value of ay is meaningful AY If enabled then field ay has a meaningful value.
0x0100 Value of az is meaningful AZ If enabled then field az has a meaningful value.

Desired Throttle

Desired throttle e.g. for Plane in FBWA-mode.

  • Abbreviation: DesiredThrottle
  • Identification Number: 415
  • Payload Size: 8 bytes
  • Message Size: 30 bytes
Name Abbreviation Unit Type Description Range
Value value % fp64_t The value of the desired throttle. Same as field type