H2020 GROOM II is now underway!
Porto University is part of the GROOM II project (Gliders for Research, Ocean Observation & Management), a 3-year project that started last October and had its kickoff meeting today. This project targets the creation of a Glider European Research Infrastructure (GERI). This tool will enable institutions all around the world to access and provide oceanic testbeds and use them in a collaborative manner.
In addition to the detailed design of the GERI that will be released, the idea is to exhibit this project as a “prototype” of such a distributed infrastructure, mainly based on existing components and a central hub, able to reach the “lab to market” stage for several functionalities.
This prototype will offer:
- A world-class front-end to various users and stakeholders of gliders;
- A demonstration framework of the efficiency of such a new marine infrastructure in supporting observing systems, public marine policies and some maritime markets.
We are thrilled to work with partners including ARMINES (France, coordinator), Geomar (Germany), Cyprus-subsea (Cyprus), Bergen University (Norway), NOC (UK), Marine Institute (Ireland), HCMR (Greece), PLOCAN (Spain), TVT (France), ILMATIETEEN LAITOS (Finland), GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET (Sweden) and Ecorys (Netherlands).
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 951842.