DUNE: Uniform Navigational Environment
Actuators | |
Broom | |
LED4R | Device driver for LED4R |
MCD4R | Device driver for MCD4R |
MicroCamD | |
PTUD48 | |
SCRT | |
SCRTv4 | |
SIMCT01 | |
SingleSIMCT01 | |
Autonomy | |
TextActions | |
TREX | TREX is responsible to interact with MBARI's T-REX |
Control | |
AntennaTracker | |
ASV | |
HeadingAndSpeed | |
RemoteOperation | |
AUV | |
Allocator | |
Attitude | |
Diving | Diving supervisor for AUVs |
LMI | |
RemoteOperation | |
Speed | |
Path | |
Aerosonde | |
Height | |
ILOS | |
PurePursuit | |
VectorField | |
PTU | |
ROV | |
Depth | |
HorizontalPlane | |
RemoteOperation | |
UAV | |
Ardupilot | |
RemoteOperation | |
DUNE | DUNE: Uniform Navigational Environment |
Algorithms | General purpose algorithms |
Compression | Compression related routines and classes |
Concurrency | Concurrency related routines and classes |
Control | Control related routines and classes |
Coordinates | Coordinate manipulation routines and classes |
Database | Database functionality |
FileSystem | File system related routines and classes |
Hardware | Low level hardware drivers |
LUCL | |
UCTK | |
IMC | Implementation of the IMC API |
IO | Input/Output |
Maneuvers | Maneuver routines and classes |
Math | Math routines and classes |
Random | |
Media | |
Monitors | Monitors routines and classes |
Navigation | Navigation related routines and classes |
Network | Networking routines and classes |
Parsers | Parsers |
Plans | Plan routines and classes |
Simulation | |
Status | Status codes and messages |
Streams | Streams |
System | System routines and classes |
Tasks | Task related routines and classes |
Time | Time routines and classes |
Utils | General purpose types and routines |
Maneuver | |
CommsRelay | |
CompassCalibration | |
CoverArea | |
Dubin | |
Elevator | |
FlyByCamera | |
FollowPath | |
FollowReference | |
AUV | |
UAV | Maneuver FollowReference for when the plan execution takes z into account to declare a reference reached |
FollowSystem | |
FollowTarget | |
FollowTrajectory | |
Goto | |
Idle | |
Loiter | |
PopUp | This task is responsible for emerging to acquire a gps fix |
Rows | |
StationKeeping | |
Teleoperation | |
VehicleFormation | |
FormCollAvoid | |
SMC | |
YoYo | |
Monitors | |
Clock | Clock is responsible to monitor system's hardware clock |
Collisions | This task is responsible to monitor collisions by checking the acceleration values received from the inertial sensors |
CPU | |
Emergency | |
Entities | |
FuelLevel | |
Medium | This task is responsible to monitor system's current medium |
OperationalLimits | Operational Limits are operating parameters and conditions, chosen among all system/components, which, together, define the domain of the safe operation of the system in all foreseen system states (operation, maintenance, commissioning) |
Servos | Servos monitor for DUNE |
Navigation | |
AUV | |
Navigation | Original AUV navigation filter |
SGNavigation | Second Generation Navigation |
General | |
Alignment | This task performs static heading calibration using inertial rotational measurements from an Inertial Measurement Unit such as the Honeywell HG 1700-AG58 unit |
GPSNavigation | Navigation filter using only GPS information |
LBL | LBL position estimator |
ROV | ROV navigation filter |
Plan | |
DB | |
Engine | |
Generator | This task accepts and processes messages of type PlanGeneration, resulting in the generation of corresponding plans |
Power | |
DOAMv1 | DOAMv1 is responsible to interact with first generation of the Digital Ocean Acquisition Module for capturing underwater images |
DOAMv2 | |
MCBv2 | |
PCTLv2 | PCTLv2 is responsible to interact with the second generation of LSTS's power controller device |
Sensors | |
AIM104MultiIO | |
AIS | Device driver for AIS receivers |
DLV3 | |
Edgetech2205 | |
EmulatedGPS | |
Genesys | This task extracts data from the TDK Genesys Programmable DC Power Supplier |
GillWindObserverII | |
GPS | Device driver for NMEA capable GPS devices |
IFOG | |
Imagenex837B | Device driver for the Imagenex 837B “Delta T” Multibeam Profiling Sonar |
Imagenex852 | Device driver for the Imagenex 852 High Frequency Echo Sounder |
Imagenex863 | Device driver for the Imagenex 863 Echo Sounder |
Imagenex872 | Device driver for the Imagenex 872 "YellowFin" Sidescan Sonar |
Imagenex881A | |
Keller | Device driver for Keller Pressure Sensors |
LIMU | |
Microstrain3DMGX1 | Device driver for the Microstrain 3DM-GX1 AHRS |
Microstrain3DMGX3 | Device driver for the Microstrain 3DM-GX3 AHRS |
MiniSVS | Device driver for Valeport's miniSVS Sound Velocity Sensors |
MLBL | |
MLBLTracker | |
MTi | |
OS4000 | Device driver for the OceanServer OS4000/5000 Digital Compass |
PPS | |
PTU300 | |
SCH311X | SCH311X is responsible to interact with the SCH3112/SCH3114/SCH3116 product family |
SonTekArgonaut | |
SW100 | Device driver for the Mark & Wedell SW100 CTD |
ThermalZone | |
WorkhorseNavigator | |
XchangeSV | Device driver for the AML OEM Xchange Sound Velocimeter |
XR620CTD | XR-620 CTD from RBR Ltd |
Simulators | VSIM headers |
AUV | |
DepthSensor | Depth sensor simulator for DUNE |
Docking | |
Dummy | Dummy simulator for DUNE |
DVL | DVL simulator for DUNE |
Environment | This task simulates signals for the bottom and forward looking echo sounders Uses bathymetry data from APDL to generate bottom distance data |
GPS | GPS simulator for DUNE |
IMU | IMU simulator for DUNE |
LBL | LBL simulator for DUNE LBL is responsible to gather data from the vehicle simulator by consuming SimulatedState IMC messages and then add a configurable gaussian noise component before sending LblRange information to the bus |
Leaks | Leaks is responsible to simulate a leak sensor |
Motor | Motor simulator for DUNE |
Multicopter | |
Servos | Servos simulator for DUNE |
SVS | Sound Velocity sensor simulator for DUNE |
Target | |
UAV | |
UAVAutopilot | |
UnderwaterAcoustics | |
USBL | |
VSIM | Vehicle SIMulator for DUNE |
Supervisors | |
AUV | |
LostComms | |
Entities | |
MobileInternet | |
Power | |
UAV | |
LostComms | |
Vehicle | |
Transports | |
Announce | |
ArdupilotSITL | |
Cache | |
Discovery | |
Evologics | |
FlightGear | |
Fragments | |
FTP | |
GSM | Device driver for ETSI GSM 07.07 compatible GSM modems |
HTTP | HTTP server |
Iridium | |
IridiumSBD | |
LogBook | |
Logging | |
LoggingDigest | |
Noptilus | |
Replay | |
Serial | |
SerialOverTCP | |
TCP | |
Client | |
Server | |
UAN | |
UDP | |
UserInterfaces | |
Buttons | |
LCD | |
LEDs | |
MantaPanel | |
RCViaArdupilot | |
Vision | |
DFK51BG02H | Device driver for the Imaging Source DFK 51BG02.H GigE CCD Color Camera |
FrameGrabber | |
Lumenera | |
PhotoTrigger |