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DUNE: Uniform Navigational Environment
►NActuators | |
NAMC | |
NBroom | |
NLED4R | Device driver for LED4R |
NMCD4R | Device driver for MCD4R |
NMicroCamD | |
NPWM | |
NSCRTv4 | |
NSIMCT01 | |
NSingleSIMCT01 | |
►NAutonomy | |
NOnEvent | Task that analyzes a configurable variable to trigger specific actions according with positive or negative validations |
NTextActions | This task processes incoming text messages which may be resulting from received SMSes or Iridium commands |
NTREX | TREX is responsible to interact with MBARI's T-REX |
►NControl | |
NAntennaTracker | |
►NASV | |
NHeadingAndSpeed | |
NRemoteOperation | |
►NAUV | |
NAllocator | |
NAttitude | |
NDiving | Diving supervisor for AUVs |
NLMI | |
NRemoteOperation | |
NSpeed | |
►NPath | |
NHeight | |
NPurePursuit | |
NVectorField | |
►NROV | |
NDepth | |
NHorizontalPlane | |
NRemoteOperation | |
►NUAV | |
NArdupilot | |
NLOS | |
NPX4 | |
NRemoteOperation | |
►NDUNE | DUNE: Uniform Navigational Environment |
NAlgorithms | General purpose algorithms |
NCompression | Compression related routines and classes |
NConcurrency | Concurrency related routines and classes |
NControl | Control related routines and classes |
NCoordinates | Coordinate manipulation routines and classes |
NDatabase | Database functionality |
NEntities | Entity related routines and classes |
NFileSystem | File system related routines and classes |
►NHardware | Low level hardware drivers |
NIMC | Implementation of the IMC API |
NIO | Input/Output |
NManeuvers | Maneuver routines and classes |
►NMath | Math routines and classes |
NRandom | |
►NMedia | |
NMonitors | Monitors routines and classes |
NNavigation | Navigation related routines and classes |
NNetwork | Networking routines and classes |
NParsers | Parsers |
NPlans | Plan routines and classes |
NPower | Power routines and classes |
NSimulation | |
NStatus | Status codes and messages |
NStreams | Streams |
NSystem | System routines and classes |
NTasks | Task related routines and classes |
NTime | Time routines and classes |
NUnits | |
►NUtils | General purpose types and routines |
NCodecs | |
►NManeuver | |
NCommsRelay | |
NCompassCalibration | |
NCoverArea | |
NFlyByCamera | |
►NFollowReference | |
NAUV | |
NUAV | |
NFollowSystem | |
NFollowTarget | |
NFollowTrajectory | |
NMultiplexer | |
NRowsCoverage | |
NTeleoperation | |
►NVehicleFormation | |
NCoordinator | |
NFormCollAvoid | |
NSMC | |
NTest | |
►NMonitors | |
NClock | Clock is responsible to monitor system's hardware clock |
NCollisions | This task is responsible to monitor collisions by checking the acceleration values received from the inertial sensors |
NEmergency | |
NEntities | |
NFuelLevel | |
NMedium | This task is responsible to monitor system's current medium |
NOperationalLimits | Operational Limits are operating parameters and conditions, chosen among all system/components, which, together, define the domain of the safe operation of the system in all foreseen system states (operation, maintenance, commissioning) |
NServos | Servos monitor for DUNE |
►NNavigation | |
►NAUV | |
NNavigation | Second Generation Navigation |
NRanger | |
►NGeneral | |
NGPSNavigation | Navigation filter using only GPS information |
NLBL | LBL position estimator |
NROV | ROV navigation filter |
►NPlan | |
NDB | |
NEngine | |
NGenerator | This task accepts and processes messages of type PlanGeneration, resulting in the generation of corresponding plans |
►NPower | |
NAPD | |
NCPMBv2 | |
NDOAMv1 | DOAMv1 is responsible to interact with first generation of the Digital Ocean Acquisition Module for capturing underwater images |
NDOAMv2 | |
NLUEMB | Device driver for LUEMB |
NMCBv2 | |
NPCTLv2 | PCTLv2 is responsible to interact with the second generation of LSTS's power controller device |
►NSensors | |
NAIM104MultiIO | |
NAIS | Device driver for AIS receivers |
NCyclopsC7 | |
NDataStore | |
NDMS | |
NEdgetech2205 | |
NEmulatedGPS | |
NGenesys | This task extracts data from the TDK Genesys Programmable DC Power Supplier |
NGillWindObserverII | |
NGPS | Device driver for NMEA capable GPS devices |
NImagenex837B | Device driver for the Imagenex 837B “Delta T” Multibeam Profiling Sonar |
NImagenex852 | Device driver for the Imagenex 852 High Frequency Echo Sounder |
NImagenex872 | Device driver for the Imagenex 872 "YellowFin" Sidescan Sonar |
NImagenex881A | |
NKeller | Device driver for Keller Pressure Sensors |
NMetrecX | Device driver for the AML OEM Metrec•X |
NMicrostrain3DMGX1 | Device driver for the Microstrain 3DM-GX1 AHRS |
NMicrostrain3DMGX3 | Device driver for the Microstrain 3DM-GX3 AHRS |
NMiniSVS | Device driver for Valeport's miniSVS Sound Velocity Sensors |
NMLBLTracker | |
NMTi | |
NOS4000 | Device driver for the OceanServer OS4000/5000 Digital Compass |
NSCH311X | SCH311X is responsible to interact with the SCH3112/SCH3114/SCH3116 product family |
NSonTekArgonaut | |
NSW100 | Device driver for the Mark & Wedell SW100 CTD |
NThermalZone | |
NWifiRSSI | Wireless link quality reporter |
NXchangeSV | Device driver for the AML OEM Xchange Sound Velocimeter |
NXR620CTD | XR-620 CTD from RBR Ltd |
►NSimulators | VSIM headers |
NAcousticModem | This task simulates a (simplified) acoustic modem |
NCTD | CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, Depth) sensor simulator |
NDepthSensor | Depth sensor simulator for DUNE |
NDocking | |
NDVL | DVL simulator for DUNE |
NEnvironment | This task simulates signals for the bottom and forward looking echo sounders Uses bathymetry data from APDL to generate bottom distance data |
NGaussian | |
NGPS | GPS simulator for DUNE |
NIMU | IMU simulator for DUNE |
NIridium | This task simulates Iridium communications by posting messages directly to Ripples |
NLBL | LBL simulator for DUNE LBL is responsible to gather data from the vehicle simulator by consuming SimulatedState IMC messages and then add a configurable gaussian noise component before sending LblRange information to the bus |
NLeaks | Leaks is responsible to simulate a leak sensor |
NMotor | Motor simulator for DUNE |
NServos | Servos simulator for DUNE |
NTarget | |
NUAV | |
NUAVAutopilot | |
NUnderwaterAcoustics | |
NVSIM | Vehicle SIMulator for DUNE |
►NSupervisors | |
►NAUV | |
NAssist | |
NLostComms | |
NDelegator | This task mimicks the entity state and entity activation state of a surrogate remote system entity |
NEntities | |
NPower | This task executes commands during power down and power down abort to safely shutdown the systems |
NPowerManager | |
NReporter | |
NSlaveCPU | Task has direct control over a configurable power channel when (de)activated |
►NUAV | |
NLostComms | |
NVehicle | |
►NTransports | |
NAnnounce | |
NCache | |
NCommManager | |
NDataStore | |
NDiscovery | |
NEvologics | |
NFragments | |
NFTP | |
NGSM | Device driver for ETSI GSM 07.07 compatible GSM modems |
NHTTP | HTTP server |
NIridium | |
NIridiumSBD | |
NLogBook | |
NLogging | |
NLoggingDigest | |
NMobileInternet | |
NRadio | |
NReplay | |
NSeatrac | Blueprint Subsea's Seatrac acoustic modem driver |
NSerial | |
NSerialOverTCP | |
►NTCP | |
NClient | |
NServer | |
NUAN | |
NUDP | |
►NUserInterfaces | |
NButtons | |
NLCD | |
NLEDs | |
NMantaPanel | |
►NVision | |
NDFK51BG02H | Device driver for the Imaging Source DFK 51BG02.H GigE CCD Color Camera |
NFrameGrabber | |
NLumenera | |
NPhotoTrigger | |
NUAVCamera | |
NUI2210MGL | Device driver for the uEye UI-2210-M-GL USB Camera |