DUNE::Tasks::AbstractConsumer | |
DUNE::Tasks::Consumer< T, M > | |
DUNE::Tasks::AbstractCreator | Abstract representation of a task creator |
DUNE::Maneuvers::AbstractLoiter | Abstract Loiter behavior |
DUNE::Maneuvers::Circular | Class to control circular behavior |
DUNE::Maneuvers::FigureEight | Class to control figure eight loiter behavior around two centers |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::AbstractMux | Abstract Multiplexed maneuver |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::MuxedManeuver< Msg, Arg > | Multiplexed maneuver |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::MuxedManeuver< IMC::Dislodge, DislodgeArgs > | |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::Dislodge | Dislodge maneuver |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::MuxedManeuver< IMC::Drop, DropArgs > | |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::Drop | Drop maneuver |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::MuxedManeuver< IMC::Elevator, ElevatorArgs > | |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::Elevator | Elevator maneuver |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::MuxedManeuver< IMC::FollowPath, void > | |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::FollowPath | FollowPath maneuver |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::MuxedManeuver< IMC::Goto, void > | |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::Goto | Goto maneuver |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::MuxedManeuver< IMC::IdleManeuver, void > | |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::Idle | Idle maneuver |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::MuxedManeuver< IMC::Land, void > | |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::Land | Land maneuver |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::MuxedManeuver< IMC::Launch, void > | |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::Launch | Launch maneuver |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::MuxedManeuver< IMC::Loiter, LoiterArgs > | |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::Loiter | Loiter maneuver |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::MuxedManeuver< IMC::PopUp, PopUpArgs > | |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::PopUp | PopUp maneuver |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::MuxedManeuver< IMC::Rows, void > | |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::Rows | Rows maneuver |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::MuxedManeuver< IMC::Sample, SampleArgs > | |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::Sample | Sample maneuver |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::MuxedManeuver< IMC::ScheduledGoto, ScheduledArgs > | |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::ScheduledGoto | ScheduledGoto maneuver |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::MuxedManeuver< IMC::StationKeeping, StationKeepingArgs > | |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::StationKeeping | StationKeeping maneuver |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::MuxedManeuver< IMC::StationKeepingExtended, StationKeepingExtendedArgs > | |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::StationKeepingExtended | StationKeepingExtended maneuver |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::MuxedManeuver< IMC::Takeoff, void > | |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::Takeoff | Takeoff maneuver |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::MuxedManeuver< IMC::YoYo, YoYoArgs > | |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::YoYo | Yoyo maneuver |
UserInterfaces::LEDs::AbstractOutput | |
UserInterfaces::LEDs::Emulator | |
UserInterfaces::LEDs::GPIO | |
UserInterfaces::LEDs::Message | |
UserInterfaces::LEDs::ParallelPort | |
DUNE::Tasks::AbstractParameterParser | Abstract class for parameter parsers |
DUNE::Tasks::BasicParameterParser< T > | |
DUNE::Tasks::BasicParameterParser< Math::Matrix > | |
DUNE::Tasks::BasicParameterParser< std::vector< T > > | |
DUNE::Parsers::AbstractStringReader | |
DUNE::Parsers::BasicStringReader< T > | |
DUNE::Parsers::AbstractStringWriter | |
DUNE::Parsers::BasicStringWriter< T > | |
Transports::Seatrac::Acofix_t | |
Plan::Engine::ActionSchedule | Scheduler for plan and maneuver actions |
DUNE::Network::Address | IPv4 Address |
DUNE::IMC::AddressResolver | |
Transports::Seatrac::AhrsCal_t | |
Actuators::AMC::Parser::AMCMotorState | Motor data |
DUNE::Math::Angles | Angle manipulation and conversion methods |
DUNE::Navigation::UsblTools::Angles | Angles data structure |
Vision::UI2210MGL::AOI | Area of Interest |
Actuators::Broom::Arguments | |
Power::MCBv2::Arguments | Task arguments |
Power::OPCON::Arguments | Task arguments |
Power::PCTLv2::Arguments | Task arguments |
Power::PSIMAR::Arguments | Task arguments |
Sensors::AIM104MultiIO::Arguments | |
Sensors::AIS::Arguments | Task arguments |
Sensors::CyclopsC7::Arguments | |
Sensors::DataStore::Arguments | |
Sensors::DMS::Arguments | |
Sensors::Edgetech2205::Arguments | Task arguments |
Sensors::EmulatedGPS::Arguments | |
Sensors::Genesys::Arguments | Task arguments |
Sensors::GillWindObserverII::Arguments | |
Sensors::GPS::Arguments | |
Sensors::IFOG::Arguments | Task arguments |
Sensors::Imagenex837B::Arguments | Task arguments |
Sensors::Imagenex852::Arguments | Task arguments |
Sensors::Imagenex872::Arguments | |
Sensors::Imagenex881A::Arguments | Task arguments |
Actuators::AMC::Arguments | |
DUNE::Control::CoarseAltitude::Arguments | |
Sensors::Keller::Arguments | |
Sensors::LIMU::Arguments | Task arguments |
Sensors::MetrecX::Arguments | Task arguments |
Sensors::Microstrain3DMGX1::Arguments | |
Sensors::Microstrain3DMGX3::Arguments | Task arguments |
Sensors::MiniSVS::Arguments | |
Sensors::MLBL::Arguments | |
Sensors::MLBLTracker::Arguments | |
Sensors::MTi::Arguments | |
Sensors::OEMX::Arguments | |
Sensors::OS4000::Arguments | Task arguments |
DUNE::Control::BottomTracker::Arguments | |
Sensors::SADC::Arguments | |
Sensors::SCH311X::Arguments | Task arguments |
Sensors::SonTekArgonaut::Arguments | |
Sensors::SW100::Arguments | |
Sensors::ThermalZone::Arguments | |
Sensors::WifiRSSI::Arguments | |
Sensors::XchangeSV::Arguments | |
Sensors::XR620CTD::Arguments | Task arguments |
Simulators::AcousticModem::Arguments | |
Simulators::CTD::Arguments | Task arguments |
Simulators::DepthSensor::Arguments | Task arguments |
Simulators::Docking::Arguments | |
Simulators::DVL::Arguments | Task arguments |
Actuators::FLIRPTU::Arguments | |
Actuators::LED4R::Arguments | Task arguments |
Simulators::Environment::Arguments | |
Simulators::Gaussian::Arguments | Task arguments |
Simulators::GPS::Arguments | Task arguments |
Simulators::IMU::Arguments | Task arguments |
Simulators::Iridium::Arguments | Task arguments |
Simulators::LBL::Arguments | LBL entity states |
Simulators::Leaks::Arguments | Task arguments |
Simulators::Motor::Arguments | Task arguments |
Simulators::Servos::Arguments | Task arguments |
Simulators::Target::Arguments | Task arguments |
Simulators::UAV::Arguments | |
Actuators::MCD4R::Arguments | Task arguments |
Simulators::UAVAutopilot::Arguments | |
Simulators::UnderwaterAcoustics::Arguments | |
Simulators::USBL::Arguments | |
Simulators::VSIM::Arguments | Task arguments |
Actuators::MicroCamD::Arguments | |
Supervisors::AUV::Assist::Arguments | |
Supervisors::AUV::LostComms::Arguments | |
Supervisors::Delegator::Arguments | Task arguments |
Supervisors::Entities::Arguments | |
Supervisors::Power::Arguments | |
Actuators::PWM::Task::Arguments | Variables |
Supervisors::Reporter::Arguments | |
Supervisors::SlaveCPU::Arguments | Task arguments |
Supervisors::UAV::LostComms::Arguments | |
Supervisors::Vehicle::Arguments | |
Transports::Announce::Arguments | |
Transports::Cache::Arguments | |
Transports::CommManager::Arguments | |
Transports::DataStore::Arguments | |
Transports::Discovery::Arguments | |
Actuators::SCRTv4::Arguments | |
Transports::Evologics::Arguments | |
Transports::Fragments::Arguments | |
Transports::FTP::Arguments | Task arguments |
Transports::GSM::Arguments | Task arguments |
Actuators::SIMCT01::Arguments | |
Transports::HTTP::Arguments | |
Transports::Iridium::Arguments | |
Transports::IridiumSBD::Arguments | Task arguments |
Transports::Logging::Arguments | |
Transports::LoggingDigest::Arguments | |
Transports::MobileInternet::Arguments | Task arguments |
Transports::Radio::Arguments | |
Autonomy::TextActions::Task::Arguments | Task arguments |
Transports::Replay::Arguments | |
Actuators::SingleSIMCT01::Arguments | |
Transports::Seatrac::Arguments | Task arguments |
Transports::Serial::Arguments | |
Transports::SerialOverTCP::Arguments | |
Transports::TCP::Client::Arguments | |
Transports::TCP::Server::Arguments | Task arguments |
Transports::UAN::Arguments | |
Transports::UDP::Arguments | Task arguments |
UserInterfaces::Buttons::Arguments | |
UserInterfaces::LCD::Arguments | |
Autonomy::OnEvent::Arguments | |
Autonomy::TREX::Arguments | Task arguments |
UserInterfaces::LEDs::Arguments | |
Control::AntennaTracker::Arguments | Task arguments |
UserInterfaces::MantaPanel::Arguments | |
Vision::DFK51BG02H::Arguments | Task arguments |
Vision::FrameGrabber::Arguments | |
Vision::Lumenera::Arguments | Task arguments |
Vision::PhotoTrigger::Arguments | |
Vision::UAVCamera::Arguments | Task arguments |
Control::ASV::HeadingAndSpeed::Arguments | |
Control::ASV::RemoteOperation::Arguments | Task arguments |
Vision::UI2210MGL::Arguments | Task arguments |
Control::AUV::Attitude::Arguments | |
Control::AUV::Allocator::Arguments | |
Control::AUV::Diving::Arguments | Task arguments |
Control::AUV::LMI::Arguments | |
Control::AUV::RemoteOperation::Arguments | |
Control::AUV::Speed::Arguments | |
Control::Path::Height::Arguments | |
Control::Path::ILOS::Arguments | |
Control::Path::LOSnSMC::Arguments | |
Control::Path::VectorField::Arguments | |
DUNE::Navigation::UsblTools::Node::Arguments | Target arguments |
Control::ROV::Depth::Arguments | Task arguments |
Control::ROV::HorizontalPlane::Arguments | Task arguments |
Control::ROV::RemoteOperation::Arguments | |
Control::UAV::Ardupilot::Arguments | Task arguments |
Control::UAV::PX4::Arguments | Task arguments |
Control::UAV::LOS::Arguments | |
Control::UAV::RemoteOperation::Arguments | |
Maneuver::CommsRelay::Arguments | |
Maneuver::CompassCalibration::Arguments | |
Maneuver::FollowReference::AUV::Arguments | |
Maneuver::FollowReference::UAV::Arguments | |
Maneuver::FollowSystem::Arguments | |
Maneuver::FollowTrajectory::Arguments | |
Maneuver::FollowTarget::Arguments | |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::Arguments | |
Maneuver::RowsCoverage::Arguments | |
Maneuver::VehicleFormation::Coordinator::Arguments | |
Maneuver::VehicleFormation::FormCollAvoid::Arguments | |
Maneuver::VehicleFormation::SMC::Arguments | |
Maneuver::VehicleFormation::Test::Arguments | |
Monitors::Clock::Arguments | |
Monitors::Collisions::Arguments | Task arguments |
Monitors::Emergency::Arguments | |
Monitors::FuelLevel::FuelFilter::Arguments | |
Monitors::FuelLevel::Arguments | |
Monitors::Medium::Arguments | Task arguments |
Monitors::OperationalLimits::Arguments | Task arguments |
Monitors::Entities::Arguments | |
Navigation::AUV::Navigation::Arguments | Task arguments |
Navigation::AUV::Ranger::Arguments | Task arguments |
Navigation::General::GPSNavigation::Arguments | |
Monitors::Servos::Arguments | |
Plan::DB::Arguments | |
Navigation::General::LBL::Arguments | Task arguments |
Plan::Engine::Arguments | |
Plan::Generator::Arguments | |
Power::APD::Arguments | Task arguments |
Power::BATMANv2::Arguments | |
Power::CPMB::Arguments | Task arguments |
Power::CPMBv2::Arguments | Task arguments |
Power::DOAMv1::Arguments | Task arguments |
Power::DOAMv2::Arguments | Task arguments |
Power::LUEMB::Arguments | Task arguments |
DUNE::Concurrency::AtomicCounter | Simple counter with atomic operations |
DUNE::Concurrency::AtomicInteger | |
Vision::DFK51BG02H::AutoExposure | |
DUNE::Control::AUVModel | |
DUNE::IMC::BackLogEntry | |
DUNE::Concurrency::Barrier | Barrier |
DUNE::Algorithms::Base64 | Base64 encoding and decoding as defined by RFC 2045 |
DUNE::Entities::BasicEntity | Basic Entity class, handling only QueryEntityInfo/EntityInfo messages, and implementing the most basic Entity interface |
DUNE::Entities::StatefulEntity | Stateful Entity class, derived from BasicEntity, and also handling QueryEntityState/EntityState |
DUNE::Navigation::BasicTransponder | Basic transponder information |
Power::BATMANv2::DriverBatMan::BatManData | |
Monitors::FuelLevel::BatteryData | Battery data for Fuel Level |
Monitors::FuelLevel::FuelFilter::BatteryModel | |
DUNE::Media::BayerDecoder | Bayer decoder (demosaicing) |
Sensors::MLBL::Beacon | Narrow-Band Beacon |
DUNE::Navigation::BeamFilter | BeamFilter is responsible to gather beam distance values from a DVL unit and compute one local distance output |
DUNE::Utils::BitBuffer | |
DUNE::IMC::Blob | The IMC Blob is a byte array with the XML used to generate C++ code |
DUNE::Coordinates::BodyFixedFrame | Class with utility methods for body fixed frame conversions |
DUNE::Hardware::LUCL::BootLoader | |
DUNE::Hardware::UCTK::Bootloader | |
DUNE::Control::BottomTracker | |
Simulators::Environment::Bounds | |
DUNE::Time::BrokenDown | Representation of time/date in a broken down fashion |
DUNE::IMC::Bus | |
DUNE::Hardware::Buttons | |
DUNE::Utils::ByteBuffer | |
DUNE::Utils::ByteCopy | |
Plan::Engine::Calibration | Plan Specification parser |
DUNE::Media::MJPG::Chunk | Class representing an RIFF/AVI chunk |
DUNE::Media::MJPG::AVIH | Class representing an AVI header chunk |
DUNE::Media::MJPG::IDX1 | Class representing an AVI index |
DUNE::Media::MJPG::ISFT | Class representing an AVI software information metadata chunk |
DUNE::Media::MJPG::List | Class representing an AVI list chunk |
DUNE::Media::MJPG::MJPG | Class representing an AVI containing an MJPEG stream |
DUNE::Media::MJPG::STRF | Class representing an AVI stream format chunk |
DUNE::Media::MJPG::STRH | Class representing an AVI stream header chunk |
DUNE::Media::MJPG::TSTP | Class representing an AVI timestamp index |
Transports::Seatrac::CidDatReceiveMsg | |
Transports::Seatrac::CidDatSendMsg | |
Transports::Seatrac::CidNavBeaconPosSendMsg | |
Transports::Seatrac::CidNavBeaconPosUpdateMsg | |
Transports::Seatrac::CidNavQuerryRespMsg | |
Transports::Seatrac::CidNavQueryReqMsg | |
Transports::Seatrac::CidNavQuerySendMsg | |
Transports::Seatrac::CidNavRefPosSendMsg | |
Transports::Seatrac::CidNavRefPosUpdateMsg | |
Transports::Seatrac::CidPingErrorMsg | |
Transports::Seatrac::CidPingRequestMsg | |
Transports::Seatrac::CidPingRespMsg | |
Transports::Seatrac::CidPingSendMsg | |
Transports::Seatrac::CidSettingsMsg | |
Transports::Seatrac::CidSettingsSaveMsg | |
Transports::Seatrac::CidSettingsSetMsg | |
Transports::Seatrac::CidStatusMsg | |
Transports::Seatrac::CidSysInfo | |
Transports::Seatrac::CidSysRebootMsg | |
Transports::Seatrac::CidXcvrFixMsg | |
Transports::Seatrac::CidXcvrUsblMsg | |
DUNE::Utils::CircularBuffer< T > | Circular buffer with a maximum fixed-size capacity |
Supervisors::Reporter::Client | This class is a client-side API to use reporter supervisor |
Transports::TCP::Server::Task::Client | |
DUNE::Time::Clock | System clock routines |
DUNE::Control::CoarseAltitude | |
DUNE::Utils::Codecs::CodedEstimatedState | This struct has methods to encode an EstimatedState IMC message into an UamTxFrame and to decode an EstimatedState from an UamRxFrame |
DUNE::Utils::Codecs::CodedReference | This struct has methods to encode/decode several Reference IMC messages into single UamTxFrame/UamRxFrame IMC messages |
DUNE::Hardware::LUCL::Command | |
Sensors::Edgetech2205::CommandLink | |
Transports::FTP::CommandParser | Implementation of a simple FTP command parser |
DUNE::Hardware::LUCL::Command::CommandPayload | Command |
Transports::DataStore::CompareSamples | |
DUNE::Navigation::CompassCalibration | CompassCalibration is responsible to gather data from compass in order to compute hard-iron calibration parameters |
Plan::Engine::ComponentActiveTime | Class to handle each component's active time |
DUNE::Compression::Compressor | |
DUNE::Compression::Bzip2Compressor | |
DUNE::Compression::ZlibCompressor | |
DUNE::Compression::GzipCompressor | |
DUNE::Concurrency::Condition | |
DUNE::Parsers::Config | Microsoft Windows INI configuration file parser |
DUNE::Database::Connection | Database connection |
Transports::UDP::Contact | |
Transports::UDP::ContactTable | |
DUNE::Tasks::Context | This structure serves the purpose of joining useful objects, usually shared by a large number of classes (namely Tasks) |
DUNE::Control::PathController::TrackingState::Coord | Start, end waypoints |
DUNE::Time::Counter< T > | Simple time counter |
DUNE::Time::Counter< double > | |
DUNE::Time::Counter< float > | |
DUNE::Algorithms::CRC16 | CRC-16-IBM Algorithm |
DUNE::Algorithms::CRC8 | Generic computation of 8-bit CRCs |
DUNE::Tasks::Creator | |
Sensors::OEMX::DriverOEMX::CTDData | |
DUNE::Parsers::PD4::Data | |
Transports::DataStore::DataSample | Class used to store a single sample |
Transports::Seatrac::DataSeatrac | Seatrac data structure |
Transports::DataStore::DataStore | This class is used to store samples locally until they are forwarded to other node |
DUNE::Compression::Decompressor | |
DUNE::Compression::Bzip2Decompressor | |
DUNE::Compression::ZlibDecompressor | |
DUNE::Time::Delay | Routines to control timed delays |
DUNE::Monitors::DelayedTrigger< T > | |
DUNE::Monitors::DelayedTrigger< Tc > | |
DUNE::Time::Delta | Time delta calculations |
DUNE::Math::Derivative< Type > | |
DUNE::Math::Derivative< double > | |
Transports::Announce::Destination | |
DestinationManager | |
DUNE::Tasks::Profiles::Details | |
Transports::Radio::Radio3dr::DeviceParam | |
Transports::Radio::RadioRFDXXXxPtP::DeviceParam | |
DUNE::IMC::DevicePosition | |
Transports::Radio::DeviceReports | |
DUNE::FileSystem::Directory | |
DUNE::Control::DiscretePID | |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::DislodgeArgs | |
Supervisors::Reporter::Dispatcher | Dispatcher class |
Control::ROV::RemoteOperation::DistanceTracking | Distance tracking algorithm for ROV |
Sensors::DMS::DriverDMS::DMSState | |
Simulators::Docking::Task::DockState | |
Sensors::AIM104MultiIO::Driver | |
Sensors::SW100::Driver | |
Power::BATMANv2::DriverBatMan | |
Sensors::DMS::DriverDMS | Message Parser for DMS |
Sensors::OEMX::DriverOEMX | |
Sensors::SADC::DriverSADC | Message Parser for SADC |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::DropArgs | Variables |
Control::ROV::RemoteOperation::DTArguments | |
DUNE::System::DynamicLoader | |
DUNE::Maneuvers::Elevate | Class to control elevator behavior |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::ElevatorArgs | Arguments |
DUNE::Media::MJPG::Encoder | Encoder for an AVI contained MJPEG stream |
DUNE::Entities::EntityDataBase::Entity | Data base entry |
Vision::Lumenera::EntityActivation | |
Vision::Lumenera::EntityActivationMaster | |
DUNE::Entities::EntityDataBase | |
Monitors::FuelLevel::EntityPower | Entity Power for Fuel Level |
DUNE::System::Environment | |
Sensors::LIMU::ErrorCounts | Error counts |
DUNE::Hardware::LUCL::Command::ErrorPayload | Error |
DUNE::Hardware::UCTK::Errors | |
Monitors::Entities::ESRecord | |
Sensors::Edgetech2205::EstimatedStateEntry | |
Sensors::Edgetech2205::EstimatedStateList | This class maintains a list of estimated state messages and allows searching for the message that is closest to a given timestamp |
Plan::Engine::Timeline::ETA | Start and End ETA |
std::exception | STL class |
DUNE::System::Error | Error |
std::logic_error | STL class |
std::invalid_argument | STL class |
DUNE::Tasks::InvalidTaskName | Thrown when the name of a task is not valid |
DUNE::Tasks::InvalidValue | Value is invalid for a given parameter |
std::runtime_error | STL class |
DUNE::Compression::Error | |
DUNE::Compression::BufferTooShort | |
DUNE::Compression::CorruptedData | |
DUNE::Compression::OutOfMemory | |
DUNE::Compression::UnexpectedEOD | End of data |
DUNE::Compression::UnknownMethod | |
DUNE::Concurrency::BarrierError | |
DUNE::Concurrency::ConditionError | |
DUNE::Concurrency::MutexError | |
DUNE::Concurrency::RWLockError | |
DUNE::Concurrency::ThreadError | |
DUNE::Concurrency::TLSError | |
DUNE::Control::LinearSystem::Error | Exception raised by this class |
DUNE::Database::Error | Database error |
DUNE::Entities::EntityDataBase::InvalidId | |
DUNE::Entities::EntityDataBase::InvalidLabel | |
DUNE::Entities::EntityDataBase::NonexistentLabel | |
DUNE::Entities::EntityDataBase::ReservedUnique | |
DUNE::Exception | Base class for all exceptions |
DUNE::Network::ConnectionError | |
DUNE::Network::ConnectionClosed | |
DUNE::Network::ConnectionTimeout | |
DUNE::Network::HostUnreachable | |
DUNE::Network::InvalidAddress | |
DUNE::Network::NameLookupError | |
DUNE::Network::NetworkError | |
DUNE::Network::NetworkUnreachable | |
DUNE::NotImplemented | A given feature is not implemented |
DUNE::FileSystem::FileReadError | |
DUNE::FileSystem::FileWriteError | |
DUNE::Hardware::BufferTooSmall | Supplied buffer is too small to be used |
DUNE::Hardware::I2C::Error | |
DUNE::Hardware::InvalidChecksum | Invalid checksum |
DUNE::Hardware::InvalidFormat | Invalid command/response format |
DUNE::Hardware::IOPort::Error | |
DUNE::Hardware::ReadTimeout | Timeout while waiting for data |
DUNE::Hardware::SerialPort::Error | |
DUNE::Hardware::UnexpectedReply | An unexpected reply was received |
DUNE::IMC::BufferTooShort | Buffer too short to be unpacked exception |
DUNE::IMC::InternalBufferTooShort | Internal buffer is too short exception |
DUNE::IMC::InvalidCrc | Invalid CRC exception |
DUNE::IMC::InvalidFormat | Invalid format |
DUNE::IMC::InvalidMessageAbbrev | Invalid message abbreviation exception |
DUNE::IMC::InvalidMessageId | Invalid message identification number exception |
DUNE::IMC::InvalidMessageSize | |
DUNE::IMC::InvalidSync | Invalid synchronization number exception |
DUNE::IMC::UnknownStandard | |
DUNE::IMC::UnsupportedFormat | Unsupported message format |
DUNE::Math::Matrix::Error | |
DUNE::Math::QPSolver::Error | Exception raised by QPSolver class |
DUNE::Math::Random::Generator::Error | Error class for RNG errors |
DUNE::Monitors::MotorCurrentMonitor< Tc, Tr >::Error | |
DUNE::Parsers::Error | |
DUNE::Parsers::ChecksumMismatch | |
DUNE::Parsers::ConversionError | |
DUNE::Parsers::FileOpenError | |
DUNE::Parsers::InvalidChecksum | |
DUNE::Parsers::InvalidCode | |
DUNE::Parsers::InvalidReference | |
DUNE::Parsers::InvalidSentence | |
DUNE::Parsers::ReaderError | |
DUNE::Parsers::SyntaxError | |
DUNE::Parsers::TypeMismatch | |
DUNE::Simulation::UAVSimulation::Error | |
DUNE::Utils::CircularBuffer< T >::Error | Exception class for errors in circular buffer handling |
DUNE::Utils::IOError | |
DUNE::Utils::ParseError | |
DUNE::Utils::ZipFileError | |
Plan::Engine::Plan::ParseError | Exception for plan parsing errors |
Transports::IridiumSBD::SBDInvalidSize | Invalid SBD message size |
Transports::IridiumSBD::SBDInvalidWrite | Invalid write to SBD message buffer |
Sensors::Imagenex837B::ExternalControl | External control frame that allows direct control over DeltaT.exe or the Linux binary |
Simulators::VSIM::Factory | Factory to produce world and vehicle objects from configuration file parameters |
DUNE::IMC::Factory | |
DUNE::Math::Random::Factory | Factory of PRNGS |
DUNE::Tasks::Factory | |
DUNE::Compression::Factory | |
DUNE::FileSystem::FileLock | |
Transports::Seatrac::Firmware_t | |
DUNE::Hardware::UCTK::FirmwareInfo | |
DUNE::Navigation::UsblTools::Fix | Fix data structure |
DUNE::Algorithms::FletcherChecksum | 8-bit Fletcher Checksum Algorithm |
DUNE::Streams::Terminal::Flusher | |
FollowTrajectory | |
Maneuver::FollowTrajectory::Task | |
Simulators::VSIM::Force | Force properties |
Simulators::VSIM::Engine | Engine class responsible to model propellers |
Simulators::VSIM::Fin | Fin control surfaces class |
DUNE::Time::Format | |
Maneuver::VehicleFormation::FormCollAvoid::FormMonitor | |
DUNE::Network::FragmentedMessage | |
DUNE::Network::Fragments | |
Sensors::Imagenex837B::Frame | Data logger base frame for Imagenex files |
Sensors::Imagenex837B::Frame837 | Data logger to Imagenex .837 format |
Sensors::Imagenex837B::Frame83P | Data logger to Imagenex .83P format |
Vision::DFK51BG02H::Frame | Container for raw picture data |
Vision::Lumenera::Log::Frame | |
Vision::UI2210MGL::Frame | Frame |
DUNE::Hardware::UCTK::Frame | |
Monitors::FuelLevel::FuelFilter | Fuel Filter for Fuel Level |
Plan::Engine::FuelPrediction | Plan Specification parser |
DUNE::Math::FuncWrapper | |
DUNE::Math::Random::Generator | Base abstract class for random number generators |
DUNE::Math::Random::DRand48 | The popular lightweight DRand48 PRNG used for instance in java.util.Random and provided by a number of SVID compatible OSes through lrand48()/drand48() |
DUNE::Math::Random::FSR256 | Feedback shift register generator with 256-byte table |
DUNE::Math::Random::KernelDevice | A RNG based on the use of special character device '/dev/urandom' ('/dev/random' is not considered due to possible blocking behavior) |
DUNE::Math::Random::MT19937 | Mersenne-Twister 19937 RNG - used in Matlab 7.4 onwards |
DUNE::Math::Random::TSGenerator< G > | Thread-safe wrapper for a Generator class |
DUNE::Hardware::GPIO | |
Plan::Engine::GroupSpeed | |
Vision::DFK51BG02H::GVCP | Implementation of the GigE Vision Control Protocol (GVCP) |
DUNE::IO::Handle | |
DUNE::Hardware::ESCC | |
DUNE::Hardware::SerialPort | Encapsulates serial port access |
DUNE::Network::TCPSocket | TCP Socket |
DUNE::Network::UDPSocket | UDP Socket |
Transports::Seatrac::Hardware_t | |
HayesModem | |
Transports::Evologics::Driver | |
Transports::GSM::Driver | |
Transports::IridiumSBD::Driver | |
DUNE::IMC::Header | Header format |
Vision::Lumenera::HTTPClient | |
DUNE::I18N | |
DUNE::Hardware::I2C | |
DUNE::Network::Initializer | |
DUNE::Concurrency::Initializer | |
DUNE::IMC::InlineMessage< Type > | Inline Message |
DUNE::IMC::InlineMessage< DUNE::IMC::ControlCommand > | |
DUNE::IMC::InlineMessage< DUNE::IMC::DesiredSpeed > | |
DUNE::IMC::InlineMessage< DUNE::IMC::DesiredZ > | |
DUNE::IMC::InlineMessage< DUNE::IMC::EstimatedState > | |
DUNE::IMC::InlineMessage< DUNE::IMC::FormationControlParams > | |
DUNE::IMC::InlineMessage< DUNE::IMC::HistoricData > | |
DUNE::IMC::InlineMessage< DUNE::IMC::LblBeacon > | |
DUNE::IMC::InlineMessage< DUNE::IMC::Maneuver > | |
DUNE::IMC::InlineMessage< DUNE::IMC::Message > | |
DUNE::IMC::InlineMessage< DUNE::IMC::PlanSpecification > | |
DUNE::IMC::InlineMessage< DUNE::IMC::Reference > | |
DUNE::IMC::InlineMessage< DUNE::IMC::SoiPlan > | |
DUNE::IMC::InlineMessage< DUNE::IMC::TrexToken > | |
DUNE::Hardware::IntelHEX | |
DUNE::Hardware::UCTK::Interface | |
DUNE::Network::Interface | Network interface information |
DUNE::Hardware::IOPort | |
std::ios_base | STL class |
std::basic_ios< Char > | STL class |
std::basic_istream< Char > | STL class |
std::istream | STL class |
DUNE::Compression::FileInput | |
DUNE::Compression::FilterInput | |
std::basic_ostream< Char > | STL class |
std::ostream | STL class |
DUNE::Compression::FileOutput | |
DUNE::Compression::FilterOutput | |
DUNE::Streams::OutputMultiplexer | |
Transports::Seatrac::IpAddr_T | |
DUNE::IMC::IridiumMessage | All Iridium messages subclass this type |
DUNE::IMC::ActivateSpotSubscription | Extension to the IMC protocol used request reception of device position updates |
DUNE::IMC::DeactivateSpotSubscription | Extension to the IMC protocol used to stop receiving device position updates |
DUNE::IMC::DeviceUpdate | Extension to the IMC protocol used to report a set of device positions |
DUNE::IMC::ExtendedDeviceUpdate | Extension to the IMC protocol used to report a set of device positions (including predicted error) |
DUNE::IMC::ImcIridiumMessage | An Iridium message that encapsulates an IMC message |
DUNE::IMC::IridiumCommand | Extension to the IMC protocol used to send text commands to DUNE vehicles (these messages are reported as received SMS) |
Simulators::Environment::QuadTree::Item | Item datum |
Simulators::Environment::QuadTree::Iteration | Iteration handle |
Simulators::Environment::Dump | |
DUNE::Media::JPEGCompressor | |
DUNE::Navigation::KalmanFilter | |
Sensors::MLBL::LBL | Complete LBL |
Actuators::LED4R::LED | LED channel |
Power::LUEMB::LED | LED channel |
Monitors::OperationalLimits::Task::LError | Limit error struct |
Transports::UDP::LimitedComms | |
Actuators::FLIRPTU::Limits | |
DUNE::Control::LinearSystem | |
DUNE::Math::LineSegParam< Type > | Computes the intersection point between two line segments |
DUNE::Math::LinIntParam< Type > | Interpolates linearly between (t0,x0) and (t1,x1) for value t will also work if the point is outside of this interval |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::LoiterArgs | |
DUNE::Control::PathController::TrackingState::LoiterData | Loiter data |
Transports::Seatrac::MacAddr_T | |
DUNE::Tasks::Manager | |
Maneuver | |
Maneuver::RowsCoverage::Task | |
Supervisors::Vehicle::ManeuverSupervisor | |
DUNE::Math::Matrix | |
Power::MCBv2::MCP23017 | |
DUNE::Algorithms::MD5 | MD-5 Algorithm (RFC 1321) |
DUNE::Algorithms::MD5::MD5_HANDLE | |
DUNE::Monitors::MediumHandler | MediumHandler handles vehicle medium data |
DUNE::Memory | |
DUNE::IMC::Message | Basic IMC message |
DUNE::IMC::Abort | Abort |
DUNE::IMC::Aborted | Aborted |
DUNE::IMC::Acceleration | Acceleration |
DUNE::IMC::AcousticLink | Acoustic Link Quality |
DUNE::IMC::AcousticMessage | Acoustic Message |
DUNE::IMC::AcousticOperation | Acoustic Operation |
DUNE::IMC::AcousticSystems | Acoustic Systems |
DUNE::IMC::AcousticSystemsQuery | Acoustic Systems Query |
DUNE::IMC::Airflow | Airflow |
DUNE::IMC::AirSaturation | Air Saturation |
DUNE::IMC::AlignmentState | Alignment State |
DUNE::IMC::AllocatedControlTorques | Allocated Control Torques |
DUNE::IMC::AngularVelocity | Angular Velocity |
DUNE::IMC::Announce | Announce |
DUNE::IMC::AnnounceService | Announce Service |
DUNE::IMC::ApmStatus | APM Status |
DUNE::IMC::ArmingState | Arming State |
DUNE::IMC::AutopilotMode | Autopilot Mode |
DUNE::IMC::BeamConfig | Beam Configuration |
DUNE::IMC::Brake | Brake |
DUNE::IMC::ButtonEvent | Button Event |
DUNE::IMC::CacheControl | Cache Control |
DUNE::IMC::Calibration | Calibration |
DUNE::IMC::CameraZoom | Camera Zoom |
DUNE::IMC::CcuEvent | CCU Event |
DUNE::IMC::Chlorophyll | Chlorophyll |
DUNE::IMC::ClockControl | Clock Control |
DUNE::IMC::CloseSession | Close Session |
DUNE::IMC::Collision | Collision |
DUNE::IMC::CommSystemsQuery | Communication Systems Query |
DUNE::IMC::CompressedHistory | Compressed Historic Data Series |
DUNE::IMC::CompressedImage | Compressed Image |
DUNE::IMC::Conductivity | Conductivity |
DUNE::IMC::ControlCommand | Super type Control Command |
DUNE::IMC::DesiredHeading | Desired Heading |
DUNE::IMC::DesiredPath | Desired Path |
DUNE::IMC::DesiredPitch | Desired Pitch |
DUNE::IMC::DesiredRoll | Desired Roll |
DUNE::IMC::DesiredSpeed | Desired Speed |
DUNE::IMC::DesiredThrottle | Desired Throttle |
DUNE::IMC::DesiredZ | Desired Z |
DUNE::IMC::ControlLoops | Control Loops |
DUNE::IMC::ControlParcel | Control Parcel |
DUNE::IMC::CpuUsage | CPU Usage |
DUNE::IMC::CreateSession | Create Session |
DUNE::IMC::CrudeOil | Crude Oil |
DUNE::IMC::Current | Current |
DUNE::IMC::DataSanity | Data Sanity |
DUNE::IMC::Depth | Depth |
DUNE::IMC::DepthOffset | Depth Offset |
DUNE::IMC::DesiredControl | Desired Control |
DUNE::IMC::DesiredHeadingRate | Desired Heading Rate |
DUNE::IMC::DesiredLinearState | Desired Linear State |
DUNE::IMC::DesiredVelocity | Desired Velocity |
DUNE::IMC::DesiredVerticalRate | Desired Vertical Rate |
DUNE::IMC::DevCalibrationControl | Device Calibration Control |
DUNE::IMC::DevCalibrationState | Device Calibration State |
DUNE::IMC::DevDataBinary | Device Data (Binary) |
DUNE::IMC::DevDataText | Device Data (Text) |
DUNE::IMC::DeviceState | Device State |
DUNE::IMC::DissolvedOrganicMatter | Dissolved Organic Matter |
DUNE::IMC::DissolvedOxygen | Dissolved Oxygen |
DUNE::IMC::Distance | Distance |
DUNE::IMC::DmsDetection | DMS Detection |
DUNE::IMC::DvlRejection | DVL Rejection |
DUNE::IMC::DynamicsSimParam | Dynamics Simulation Parameters |
DUNE::IMC::EmergencyControl | Emergency Control |
DUNE::IMC::EmergencyControlState | Emergency Control State |
DUNE::IMC::EntityActivationState | Entity Activation State |
DUNE::IMC::EntityInfo | Entity Information |
DUNE::IMC::EntityList | Entity List |
DUNE::IMC::EntityMonitoringState | Entity Monitoring State |
DUNE::IMC::EntityParameter | EntityParameter |
DUNE::IMC::EntityParameters | EntityParameters |
DUNE::IMC::EntityState | Entity State |
DUNE::IMC::EstimatedState | Estimated State |
DUNE::IMC::EstimatedStreamVelocity | Estimated Stream Velocity |
DUNE::IMC::EulerAngles | Euler Angles |
DUNE::IMC::EulerAnglesDelta | Euler Angles Delta |
DUNE::IMC::Event | Event |
DUNE::IMC::ExtendedRSSI | Extended Receive Signal Strength Information |
DUNE::IMC::ExternalNavData | External Navigation Data |
DUNE::IMC::FineOil | Fine Oil |
DUNE::IMC::Fluorescein | Fluorescein |
DUNE::IMC::FollowRefState | Follow Reference State |
DUNE::IMC::FollowSystem | Follow System |
DUNE::IMC::Force | Force |
DUNE::IMC::Formation | Formation |
DUNE::IMC::FormationControlParams | Formation Control Parameters |
DUNE::IMC::FormationEval | Formation Evaluation Data |
DUNE::IMC::FormationEvaluation | Formation Evaluation Data |
DUNE::IMC::FormationMonitor | Formation Monitoring Data |
DUNE::IMC::FormationParameters | Formation Parameters |
DUNE::IMC::FormationState | Formation Tracking State |
DUNE::IMC::FormCtrlParam | Formation Control Parameters |
DUNE::IMC::FormState | Formation Tracking State |
DUNE::IMC::FuelLevel | Fuel Level |
DUNE::IMC::GetImageCoords | Get Image Coordinates |
DUNE::IMC::GetOperationalLimits | Get Operational Limits |
DUNE::IMC::GetParametersXml | Get Parameters XML |
DUNE::IMC::GetWorldCoordinates | Get World Coordinates |
DUNE::IMC::GpsFix | GPS Fix |
DUNE::IMC::GpsFixRejection | GPS Fix Rejection |
DUNE::IMC::GpsFixRtk | GPS Fix RTK |
DUNE::IMC::GpsNavData | GPS Navigation Data |
DUNE::IMC::GroundVelocity | Ground Velocity |
DUNE::IMC::GroupMembershipState | Group Membership State |
DUNE::IMC::GroupStreamVelocity | GroupStreamVelocity |
DUNE::IMC::Heartbeat | Heartbeat |
DUNE::IMC::HistoricCTD | Historic CTD |
DUNE::IMC::HistoricData | Historic Data Series |
DUNE::IMC::HistoricDataQuery | Historic Data Query |
DUNE::IMC::HistoricEvent | Historic Event |
DUNE::IMC::HistoricSonarData | Historic Sonar Data |
DUNE::IMC::HistoricTelemetry | Historic Telemetry |
DUNE::IMC::ImageTxSettings | Image Transmission Settings |
DUNE::IMC::IndicatedSpeed | Indicated Speed |
DUNE::IMC::IoEvent | I/O Event |
DUNE::IMC::IridiumMsgRx | Received Iridium Message |
DUNE::IMC::IridiumMsgTx | Transmit Iridium Message |
DUNE::IMC::IridiumTxStatus | Iridium Transmission Status |
DUNE::IMC::LblBeacon | LBL Beacon Configuration |
DUNE::IMC::LblConfig | LBL Configuration |
DUNE::IMC::LblEstimate | LBL Beacon Position Estimate |
DUNE::IMC::LblRange | LBL Range |
DUNE::IMC::LblRangeAcceptance | LBL Range Acceptance |
DUNE::IMC::LcdControl | LCD Control |
DUNE::IMC::LeaderState | Leader State |
DUNE::IMC::LeakSimulation | Leak Simulation |
DUNE::IMC::LedBrightness | LED Brightness |
DUNE::IMC::LinkLatency | Link Latency |
DUNE::IMC::LinkLevel | Link Level |
DUNE::IMC::LogBookControl | Log Book Control |
DUNE::IMC::LogBookEntry | Log Book Entry |
DUNE::IMC::LoggingControl | Logging Control |
DUNE::IMC::MagneticField | Magnetic Field |
DUNE::IMC::Maneuver | Super type Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::Alignment | Alignment Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::AutonomousSection | Autonomous Section |
DUNE::IMC::CommsRelay | Communications Relay |
DUNE::IMC::CompassCalibration | Compass Calibration Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::CoverArea | Cover Area |
DUNE::IMC::CustomManeuver | Custom Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::Dislodge | Dislodge Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::Drop | Drop Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::Elevator | Elevator Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::FollowPath | Follow Path Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::FollowPoint | Follow Point Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::FollowReference | Follow Reference Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::FollowTrajectory | Follow Trajectory |
DUNE::IMC::FormationPlanExecution | Formation Plan Execution |
DUNE::IMC::Goto | Goto Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::IdleManeuver | Idle Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::ImageTracking | Image Tracking |
DUNE::IMC::Land | Land Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::Launch | Launch Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::Loiter | Loiter Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::LowLevelControl | Low Level Control Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::Magnetometer | Magnetometer Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::PopUp | PopUp Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::Rows | Rows Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::RowsCoverage | Rows Coverage |
DUNE::IMC::Sample | Sample Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::ScheduledGoto | Scheduled Goto |
DUNE::IMC::StationKeeping | Station Keeping |
DUNE::IMC::StationKeepingExtended | Station Keeping Extended |
DUNE::IMC::Takeoff | Takeoff Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::Teleoperation | Teleoperation Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::VehicleFormation | Vehicle Formation |
Maneuver::VehicleFormation::SMC::Task | |
DUNE::IMC::YoYo | Yo-Yo Maneuver |
DUNE::Maneuvers::FollowTrajectory | Base abstract class for trajectory following (IMC::FollowTrajectory maneuver) |
DUNE::Maneuvers::VehicleFormation | Abstract base class for vehicle formation maneuver tasks |
Maneuver::CommsRelay::Task | |
Maneuver::CompassCalibration::Task | |
Maneuver::CoverArea::Task | |
Maneuver::FlyByCamera::Task | |
Maneuver::FollowReference::AUV::Task | |
Maneuver::FollowReference::UAV::Task | |
Maneuver::FollowSystem::Task | |
Maneuver::FollowTarget::Task | |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::Task | |
Maneuver::Teleoperation::Task | |
DUNE::IMC::ManeuverControlState | Maneuver Control State |
DUNE::IMC::Map | Map |
DUNE::IMC::MapFeature | Map Feature |
DUNE::IMC::MapPoint | MapPoint |
DUNE::IMC::MessagePart | Message Fragment |
DUNE::IMC::MonitorEntityState | Monitor Entity State |
DUNE::IMC::MsgList | Message List |
DUNE::IMC::NavigationData | Navigation Data |
DUNE::IMC::NavigationUncertainty | Navigation Uncertainty |
DUNE::IMC::NeptusBlob | Neptus Blob |
DUNE::IMC::OperationalLimits | Operational Limits |
DUNE::IMC::OpticalBackscatter | Optical Backscattering Coefficient |
DUNE::IMC::ParametersXml | Parameters XML |
DUNE::IMC::PathControlState | Path Control State |
DUNE::IMC::PathPoint | Path Point |
DUNE::IMC::Phycocyanin | Phycocyanin |
DUNE::IMC::Phycoerythrin | Phycoerythrin |
DUNE::IMC::PlanControl | Plan Control |
DUNE::IMC::PlanControlState | Plan Control State |
DUNE::IMC::PlanDB | Plan DB |
DUNE::IMC::PlanDBInformation | Plan DB Information |
DUNE::IMC::PlanDBState | Plan DB State |
DUNE::IMC::PlanGeneration | Plan Generation |
DUNE::IMC::PlanManeuver | Plan Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::PlanSpecification | Plan Specification |
DUNE::IMC::PlanStatistics | Plan Statistics |
DUNE::IMC::PlanTransition | Plan Transition |
DUNE::IMC::PlanVariable | Plan Variable |
DUNE::IMC::PolygonVertex | Polygon Vertex |
DUNE::IMC::PopEntityParameters | Pop Entity Parameters |
DUNE::IMC::PowerChannelControl | Power Channel Control |
DUNE::IMC::PowerChannelState | Power Channel State |
DUNE::IMC::PowerOperation | Power Operation |
DUNE::IMC::Pressure | Pressure |
DUNE::IMC::ProfileSample | Profile Sample |
DUNE::IMC::Pulse | Pulse |
DUNE::IMC::PulseDetectionControl | Pulse Detection Control |
DUNE::IMC::PushEntityParameters | Push Entity Parameters |
DUNE::IMC::QueryEntityActivationState | Query Entity Activation State |
DUNE::IMC::QueryEntityInfo | Query Entity Information |
DUNE::IMC::QueryEntityParameters | QueryEntityParameters |
DUNE::IMC::QueryEntityState | Query Entity State |
DUNE::IMC::QueryLedBrightness | Query LED Brightness |
DUNE::IMC::QueryPowerChannelState | Query Power Channel State |
DUNE::IMC::Redox | Redox Potential |
DUNE::IMC::Reference | Reference To Follow |
DUNE::IMC::RegisterManeuver | Register Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::RelativeHumidity | Relative Humidity |
DUNE::IMC::RelativeState | Relative State |
DUNE::IMC::RemoteActions | Remote Actions |
DUNE::IMC::RemoteActionsRequest | Remote Actions Request |
DUNE::IMC::RemoteData | Super type RemoteData |
DUNE::IMC::HistoricSample | Historic Data Sample |
DUNE::IMC::RemoteCommand | Remote Command |
DUNE::IMC::RemoteSensorInfo | Remote Sensor Info |
DUNE::IMC::RemoteState | Remote State |
DUNE::IMC::ReplayControl | Replay Control |
DUNE::IMC::ReportControl | Report Control |
DUNE::IMC::ReportedState | Reported State |
DUNE::IMC::RestartSystem | Restart System |
DUNE::IMC::RhodamineDye | Rhodamine Dye |
DUNE::IMC::Rpm | Revolutions Per Minute |
DUNE::IMC::RSSI | Receive Signal Strength Information |
DUNE::IMC::SadcReadings | SADC Readings |
DUNE::IMC::Salinity | Salinity |
DUNE::IMC::SaveEntityParameters | SaveEntityParameters |
DUNE::IMC::ServoPosition | Servo Position |
DUNE::IMC::SessionKeepAlive | Session Keep-Alive |
DUNE::IMC::SessionStatus | Session Status |
DUNE::IMC::SessionSubscription | Session Subscription |
DUNE::IMC::SetControlSurfaceDeflection | Set Control Surface Deflection |
DUNE::IMC::SetEntityParameters | SetEntityParameters |
DUNE::IMC::SetImageCoords | Set Image Coordinates |
DUNE::IMC::SetLedBrightness | Set LED Brightness |
DUNE::IMC::SetServoPosition | Set Servo Position |
DUNE::IMC::SetThrusterActuation | Set Thruster Actuation |
DUNE::IMC::SimulatedState | Simulated State |
DUNE::IMC::Sms | SMS |
DUNE::IMC::SmsRequest | SMS Transmission Request |
DUNE::IMC::SmsRx | SMS Receive |
DUNE::IMC::SmsState | SMS State |
DUNE::IMC::SmsStatus | SMS Transmission Status |
DUNE::IMC::SmsTx | SMS Transmit |
DUNE::IMC::SoiCommand | SOI Command |
DUNE::IMC::SoiPlan | SOI Plan |
DUNE::IMC::SoiState | SOI State |
DUNE::IMC::SoiWaypoint | SOI Waypoint |
DUNE::IMC::SonarData | Sonar Data |
DUNE::IMC::SoundSpeed | Sound Speed |
DUNE::IMC::StateReport | State Report |
DUNE::IMC::StopManeuver | Stop Maneuver |
DUNE::IMC::StorageUsage | Storage Usage |
DUNE::IMC::SystemGroup | System Group |
DUNE::IMC::Tachograph | Tachograph |
DUNE::IMC::Target | Target |
DUNE::IMC::TelemetryMsg | Telemetry Message |
DUNE::IMC::TeleoperationDone | Teleoperation Done |
DUNE::IMC::Temperature | Temperature |
DUNE::IMC::TextMessage | Text Message |
DUNE::IMC::Throttle | Throttle |
DUNE::IMC::TotalMagIntensity | Total Magnetic Field Intensity |
DUNE::IMC::TrajectoryPoint | Trajectory Point |
DUNE::IMC::TransmissionRequest | Transmission Request |
DUNE::IMC::TransmissionStatus | Transmission Status |
DUNE::IMC::TransportBindings | Transport Bindings |
DUNE::IMC::TrexAttribute | TREX Attribute |
DUNE::IMC::TrexCommand | TREX Command |
DUNE::IMC::TrexObservation | TREX Observation |
DUNE::IMC::TrexOperation | TREX Operation |
DUNE::IMC::TrexPlan | TREX Plan |
DUNE::IMC::TrexToken | TREX Token |
DUNE::IMC::TrueSpeed | True Speed |
DUNE::IMC::Turbidity | Turbidity |
DUNE::IMC::UamRxFrame | UamRxFrame |
DUNE::IMC::UamRxRange | UamRxRange |
DUNE::IMC::UamTxFrame | UamTxFrame |
DUNE::IMC::UamTxStatus | UamTxStatus |
DUNE::IMC::UASimulation | Underwater Acoustics Simulation |
DUNE::IMC::UsblAngles | USBL Angles |
DUNE::IMC::UsblAnglesExtended | USBL Angles Extended |
DUNE::IMC::UsblConfig | USBL Configuration |
DUNE::IMC::UsblFix | USBL Fix |
DUNE::IMC::UsblFixExtended | USBL Fix Extended |
DUNE::IMC::UsblModem | USBL Modem Configuration |
DUNE::IMC::UsblPosition | USBL Position |
DUNE::IMC::UsblPositionExtended | USBL Position Extended |
DUNE::IMC::VehicleCommand | Vehicle Command |
DUNE::IMC::VehicleFormationParticipant | Vehicle Formation Participant |
DUNE::IMC::VehicleLinks | Vehicle Links |
DUNE::IMC::VehicleMedium | Vehicle Medium |
DUNE::IMC::VehicleOperationalLimits | Vehicle Operational Limits |
DUNE::IMC::VehicleState | Vehicle State |
DUNE::IMC::VelocityDelta | Velocity Delta |
DUNE::IMC::VerticalProfile | Vertical Profile |
DUNE::IMC::Voltage | Voltage |
DUNE::IMC::VSWR | Voltage Standing Wave Ratio |
DUNE::IMC::VtolState | VTOL State |
DUNE::IMC::WaterDensity | Water Density |
DUNE::IMC::WaterVelocity | Water Velocity |
DUNE::IMC::WindSpeed | Wind Speed |
DUNE::Tasks::MessageFilter | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< Type > | Message list |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::Announce > | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::BeamConfig > | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::DeviceState > | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::EntityParameter > | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::LblBeacon > | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::LogBookEntry > | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::MapFeature > | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::MapPoint > | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::Message > | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::PathPoint > | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::PlanDBInformation > | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::PlanManeuver > | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::PlanTransition > | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::PlanVariable > | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::PolygonVertex > | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::ProfileSample > | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::RelativeState > | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::RemoteData > | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::SoiWaypoint > | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::TrajectoryPoint > | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::TrexAttribute > | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::TrexToken > | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::UsblModem > | |
DUNE::IMC::MessageList< DUNE::IMC::VehicleFormationParticipant > | |
Transports::HTTP::MessageMonitor | |
DUNE::Power::Model | Utility class to compute offline power conversions and hold model parameters |
DUNE::Control::ModelParameters | |
DUNE::Navigation::UsblTools::Modem | USBL tools handler |
DUNE::Monitors::MotorCurrentMonitor< Tc, Tr > | |
DUNE::Math::MovingAverage< T > | |
DUNE::Math::MovingAverage< double > | |
DUNE::Math::MovingAverage< float > | |
DUNE::Math::MovingAverage< Tc > | |
DUNE::Math::MultiMovingAverage< T > | |
DUNE::Math::MultiMovingAverage< float > | |
DUNE::Concurrency::Mutex | |
DUNE::Hardware::LUCL::Command::NamePayload | Name |
DUNE::Parsers::NMEAReader | NMEA Sentence reader is a simple NMEA parser capable of validating and converting sentence fields |
DUNE::Parsers::NMEAWriter | NMEA Writer |
Simulators::Environment::Node | |
Transports::UDP::Node | |
DUNE::Navigation::UsblTools::Node | USBL tools node (that actively requests fixes from USBL modem) |
Transports::UDP::NodeAddress | |
Transports::UDP::NodeTable | |
DUNE::Database::Null | Datum to represent a NULL argument when binding statements |
Simulators::VSIM::Object | Object properties |
Simulators::VSIM::Vehicle | Vehicle general properties |
Simulators::VSIM::ASV | ASV Autonomous Surface Vehicle simulator |
Simulators::VSIM::UUV | Unmanned Underwater Vehicle class |
DUNE::Math::Optimization | |
DUNE::Utils::OptionParser | |
Sensors::Edgetech2205::Packet | |
DUNE::IMC::Packet | |
DUNE::Tasks::Parameter | |
DUNE::Tasks::ParameterTable | |
DUNE::Tasks::ParameterTypeName | |
Sensors::Edgetech2205::Parser | EdgeTech's JSF format parser |
Sensors::Imagenex852::Parser | Parser for Imagenex 852 High Frequency Echo Sounder Return Data |
Sensors::Imagenex881A::Parser | Parser for the Imagenex 881A response frame |
Actuators::AMC::Parser | Message Parser for AMC motor controller |
Sensors::XR620CTD::Parser | |
DUNE::Hardware::UCTK::Parser | |
DUNE::IMC::Parser | Parser class |
DUNE::Maneuvers::VehicleFormation::Participant | Participant data (per vehicle in the formation) |
DUNE::FileSystem::Path | |
UserInterfaces::LEDs::Pattern | |
Sensors::Imagenex852::PatternFilter | Pattern Filter for Imagenex 852 High Frequency Echo Sounder Return Data |
Simulators::Environment::PencilBeam::PBArguments | |
DUNE::Parsers::PD4 | |
Simulators::Environment::PencilBeam | |
Periodic | |
Actuators::AMC::Task | |
Actuators::Broom::Task | |
Actuators::FLIRPTU::Task | |
Actuators::MicroCamD::Task | |
Actuators::SingleSIMCT01::Task | |
Control::AUV::Diving::Task | Motor simulator task |
Control::Path::Height::Task | |
Sensors::Genesys::Task | Task |
Sensors::Imagenex872::Task | |
Sensors::Keller::Task | |
Sensors::SCH311X::Task | |
Sensors::ThermalZone::Task | |
Simulators::CTD::Task | SVS simulator task |
Simulators::DepthSensor::Task | DepthSensor simulator task |
Simulators::DVL::Task | DVL simulator task |
Simulators::Environment::Task | |
Simulators::Gaussian::Task | Gaussian simulator task |
Simulators::GPS::Task | GPS simulator task |
Simulators::Iridium::Task | |
Simulators::Motor::Task | Motor simulator task |
Simulators::Target::Task | |
Simulators::USBL::Task | |
Simulators::VSIM::Task | Simulator task |
DUNE::Time::PeriodicDelay | |
Plan::Engine::Plan | Plan Specification parser |
DUNE::Parsers::PlanConfigParser | Utility class to parse simple plans from DUNE's .ini format |
Simulators::Environment::Point | Point structure |
DUNE::IO::Poll | |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::PopUpArgs | Arguments |
DUNE::Navigation::UsblTools::Position | Position data structure |
Power::MCBv2::PowerChannel | Power Channel data structure |
Power::PCTLv2::PowerChannel | |
Power::PCTLv2::PowerChannels | |
DUNE::Compression::Bzip2Decompressor::PrivateData | |
DUNE::Compression::ZlibDecompressor::PrivateData | |
Sensors::MetrecX::Probes | |
DUNE::Concurrency::ProcessPrivate | |
DUNE::Plans::TimeProfile::Profile | |
DUNE::Tasks::Profiles | |
DUNE::Plans::Progress | Utility class to estimate a plan's progress |
DUNE::Maneuvers::FigureEight::Properties | Properties for constructor |
DUNE::Media::MJPG::Properties | Properties of an AVI encoded MJPEG |
DUNE::Hardware::LUCL::Protocol | |
DUNE::Hardware::LUCL::ProtocolParser | |
DUNE::Math::QPSolver | Quadratic programming solver |
Simulators::Environment::QuadTree | "Quad-tree" structure used to index spatial data in two dimensions |
Control::UAV::Ardupilot::RadioChannel | Radio Channel structure |
Transports::Radio::RadioConfParam | |
Transports::Radio::RadioDriver | |
Transports::Radio::Radio3dr | |
Transports::Radio::RadioRFDXXXxPtP | |
DUNE::Navigation::Ranging | Ranging is responsible to contain functions necessary to process ranging data (assuming a transceiver plus one (at least) transponder setup |
DUNE::Utils::RawFifo | Implementation of a First In First Out data structure, that can hold raw data (byte streams) |
DUNE::Concurrency::RawTLS | |
DUNE::Concurrency::TLS< T > | Typed thread key |
DUNE::Tasks::Recipient | |
Transports::Evologics::RecvIM | |
Transports::Evologics::RecvUsblAng | |
Transports::Evologics::RecvUsblPos | |
Maneuver::VehicleFormation::FormCollAvoid::RelState | |
Transports::UAN::Report | |
Transports::Radio::Report | |
Transports::Radio::RepotImcData | |
Supervisors::Reporter::Request | Request structure |
Supervisors::Vehicle::Request | |
Transports::HTTP::RequestHandler | |
Transports::HTTP::Task | |
DUNE::System::Resources | |
DUNE::Tasks::RestartNeeded | The emitting task has encountered an error that can possibly be recovered by a restart |
Control::AUV::Attitude::RollCompensation | |
Transports::DataStore::Router | |
DUNE::Maneuvers::RowsStages | Class to parse a rows maneuver and to create and fire each stage |
DUNE::Concurrency::Runnable | |
DUNE::Concurrency::Process | |
DUNE::Concurrency::Thread | Threads are a way for a program to split itself into two or more simultaneously running tasks |
DUNE::Hardware::BasicModem | |
DUNE::Hardware::HayesModem | |
DUNE::Tasks::AbstractTask | |
DUNE::Tasks::Task | Task |
Actuators::LED4R::Task | |
Actuators::MCD4R::Task | |
Actuators::PWM::Task | |
Autonomy::OnEvent::Task | |
Autonomy::TextActions::Task | |
Autonomy::TREX::Task | |
Control::AntennaTracker::Task | |
Control::AUV::Allocator::Task | |
Control::AUV::Speed::Task | |
Control::UAV::Ardupilot::Task | |
Control::UAV::PX4::Task | |
DUNE::Control::BasicAutopilot | |
Control::AUV::Attitude::Task | |
Control::AUV::LMI::Task | |
Control::ROV::Depth::Task | |
Control::ROV::HorizontalPlane::Task | |
DUNE::Control::BasicUAVAutopilot | |
DUNE::Control::PathController | |
Control::Path::ILOS::Task | |
Control::Path::LOSnSMC::Task | |
Control::Path::PurePursuit::Task | |
Control::Path::VectorField::Task | |
DUNE::Control::ProxyPathController | ProxyPathController PathController with the capability to control the path of a system with an id different from the vehicle's id |
Control::UAV::LOS::Task | |
DUNE::Daemon | DUNE::Daemon, on dune startup, is responsible for retrieving IMC addresses and user-defined profiles, and loading saved configuration parameters |
DUNE::Hardware::BasicDeviceDriver | |
DUNE::Maneuvers::Maneuver | Base abstract class for maneuver tasks |
DUNE::Tasks::Periodic | Periodic task |
DUNE::Control::BasicRemoteOperation | |
Control::ASV::RemoteOperation::Task | |
Control::AUV::RemoteOperation::Task | |
Control::ROV::RemoteOperation::Task | |
Control::UAV::RemoteOperation::Task | |
DUNE::Navigation::BasicNavigation | Abstract base class for navigation tasks |
Navigation::AUV::Navigation::Task | |
Navigation::General::ROV::Task | |
Maneuver::VehicleFormation::Coordinator::Task | |
Maneuver::VehicleFormation::FormCollAvoid::Task | |
Maneuver::VehicleFormation::Test::Task | |
Monitors::Emergency::Task | |
Monitors::FuelLevel::Task | |
Monitors::Medium::Task | Medium task |
Monitors::OperationalLimits::Task | |
Sensors::AIM104MultiIO::Task | |
Sensors::Microstrain3DMGX3::Task | Microstrain3DMGX3 software driver |
Sensors::SW100::Task | |
Simulators::UAV::Task | |
Simulators::UAVAutopilot::Task | UAV autopilot simulator task |
Supervisors::AUV::Assist::Task | |
Supervisors::AUV::LostComms::Task | |
Supervisors::Entities::Task | |
Supervisors::UAV::LostComms::Task | |
Supervisors::Vehicle::Task | |
Vision::FrameGrabber::Task | |
DUNE::Tasks::SimpleTransport | |
Monitors::Clock::Task | |
Monitors::Entities::Task | |
Navigation::AUV::Ranger::Task | |
Navigation::General::GPSNavigation::Task | |
Plan::DB::Task | |
Plan::Engine::Task | |
Plan::Generator::Task | |
Power::APD::Task | |
Power::BATMANv2::Task | |
Power::CPMB::Task | |
Power::CPMBv2::Task | |
Power::LUEMB::Task | |
Power::OPCON::Task | |
Sensors::AIS::Task | |
Sensors::CyclopsC7::Task | |
Sensors::DataStore::Task | |
Sensors::DMS::Task | |
Sensors::EmulatedGPS::Task | |
Sensors::GillWindObserverII::Task | |
Sensors::IFOG::Task | |
Sensors::Imagenex881A::Task | |
Sensors::MetrecX::Task | |
Sensors::Microstrain3DMGX1::Task | |
Sensors::MiniSVS::Task | |
Sensors::MLBL::Task | |
Sensors::MLBLTracker::Task | |
Sensors::MTi::Task | |
Sensors::OEMX::Task | |
Sensors::OS4000::Task | |
Sensors::SADC::Task | |
Sensors::WifiRSSI::Task | Wireless RSSI reporter |
Sensors::XchangeSV::Task | |
Sensors::XR620CTD::Task | |
Simulators::AcousticModem::Task | |
Supervisors::PowerManager::Task | |
Supervisors::Reporter::Task | |
Transports::Announce::Task | |
Transports::Cache::Task | |
Transports::CommManager::Task | |
Transports::DataStore::Task | |
Transports::Discovery::Task | |
Transports::Fragments::Task | |
Transports::GSM::Task | |
Transports::Iridium::Task | |
Transports::IridiumSBD::Task | |
Transports::LogBook::Task | |
Transports::LoggingDigest::Task | |
Transports::Radio::Task | |
Transports::Replay::Task | |
Transports::Seatrac::Task | |
Transports::SerialOverTCP::Task | |
Transports::UAN::Task | |
Transports::UDP::Task | |
Vision::DFK51BG02H::Task | Device driver task |
Vision::Lumenera::Task | Device driver task |
Vision::PhotoTrigger::Task | |
Vision::UAVCamera::Task | |
Vision::UI2210MGL::Task | Device driver task |
Transports::FTP::Session | |
DUNE::Concurrency::RWLock | |
Sensors::SADC::DriverSADC::SADCState | Motor data |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::SampleArgs | Variables |
Autonomy::OnEvent::Sampler | Data sampler for on event behavior launcher |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::ScheduledArgs | |
DUNE::Concurrency::Scheduler | Class to manage the default scheduling policy |
DUNE::Concurrency::ScopedCondition | Scoped Condition |
DUNE::Concurrency::ScopedMutex | Scoped Mutex |
DUNE::Concurrency::ScopedRWLock | Scoped Read/Write lock |
DUNE::Concurrency::ScopedSemaphore | Scoped Semaphore |
DUNE::Concurrency::Semaphore | |
Sensors::OEMX::SensorStateData | |
Transports::HTTP::Server | |
DUNE::Monitors::ServoCurrentMonitor< T > | |
DUNE::Monitors::ServoPositionMonitor< T > | |
Transports::IridiumSBD::SessionResult | This class interprets and represents the result of an SBD Session |
Transports::IridiumSBD::SessionResultCode | |
Sensors::XR620CTD::SetupCommands | Setup commands |
DUNE::Concurrency::SharedMemory | |
Sensors::AIS::ShipTypeCode | |
SimpleTransport | |
Transports::Serial::Task | |
Transports::TCP::Client::Task | |
Transports::TCP::Server::Task | |
DUNE::Control::SlopeData | |
Transports::GSM::SMS | SMS struct |
Transports::GSM::SmsRequest | |
DUNE::Tasks::SourceFilter | SourceFilter Filter to check if a message is allowed to pass according to its source system and/or entity |
DUNE::Plans::SpeedModel | Utility class to compute offline speed conversions |
DUNE::Plans::TimeProfile::SpeedProfile | |
DUNE::Utils::StateMachine< Class, Data >::STATE | |
DUNE::Utils::StateMachine< Class, Data > | State machine with very lightweight infrastructure, and requiring also very little for instantiation |
DUNE::Database::Statement | SQL statement |
DUNE::Maneuvers::StationKeep | Class to control station keeping behavior |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::StationKeepingArgs | |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::StationKeepingExtendedArgs | |
Plan::Engine::Statistics | |
Plan::Engine::PreStatistics | Class for handling pre-computed statistics |
Plan::Engine::RunTimeStatistics | Class for handling run time statistics |
Transports::Replay::Task::Stats | |
streambuf | |
DUNE::Compression::StreamBuffer | |
DUNE::Streams::OutputMultiplexerBuffer | |
DUNE::Navigation::StreamEstimator | StreamEstimator is responsible to estimate the stream of the liquid fluid surrounding a underwater or surface vehicle |
DUNE::Utils::String | |
Sensors::Edgetech2205::SubsystemData | Subsystem specific data used to rewrite the header of each ping |
Sensors::Imagenex852::SwitchData | Imagenex 852 Switch Data |
DUNE::Navigation::UsblTools::Target | USBL tools handler ticket |
Task | |
Actuators::SCRTv4::Task | |
Actuators::SIMCT01::Task | |
Control::ASV::HeadingAndSpeed::Task | |
Monitors::Collisions::Task | Collisions task |
Monitors::Servos::Task | |
Navigation::General::LBL::Task | |
Power::DOAMv1::Task | |
Power::DOAMv2::Task | |
Power::MCBv2::Task | |
Power::PCTLv2::Task | |
Power::PSIMAR::Task | |
Sensors::Edgetech2205::Task | |
Sensors::GPS::Task | |
Sensors::Imagenex837B::Task | Task |
Sensors::Imagenex852::Task | Task |
Sensors::LIMU::Task | |
Sensors::SonTekArgonaut::Task | |
Simulators::Docking::Task | |
Simulators::IMU::Task | IMU simulator task |
Simulators::LBL::Task | LBL simulator task |
Simulators::Leaks::Task | |
Simulators::Servos::Task | Servos simulator task |
Simulators::UnderwaterAcoustics::Task | |
Supervisors::Delegator::Task | |
Supervisors::Power::Task | |
Supervisors::SlaveCPU::Task | |
Transports::Evologics::Task | |
Transports::FTP::Task | |
Transports::HTTP::Task | |
Transports::Logging::Task | |
Transports::MobileInternet::Task | |
UserInterfaces::Buttons::Task | |
UserInterfaces::LCD::Task | |
UserInterfaces::LEDs::Task | |
UserInterfaces::MantaPanel::Task | |
DUNE::Tasks::TaskCpuUsage | |
DUNE::Network::TDMA | Time division multiple access (TDMA) is a channel access method for shared medium networks |
Transports::Radio::Telemetry | This class is a communication manager for telemetry |
DUNE::Streams::Terminal | |
Thread | |
Vision::UI2210MGL::CaptureUeye | |
Thread | |
Actuators::PWM::ServoPwm | |
Actuators::SCRTv4::Listener | |
Sensors::Edgetech2205::Log | |
Sensors::GPS::Reader | |
Sensors::Imagenex852::Trigger | |
Supervisors::Power::Command | |
Transports::HTTP::Handler | |
Transports::UDP::Listener | |
UserInterfaces::MantaPanel::Command | |
Vision::DFK51BG02H::GVSP | GigE Vision Stream Protocol (GVSP) |
Vision::Lumenera::Log | |
Transports::Seatrac::Ticket | |
Transports::Evologics::Ticket | |
Supervisors::Reporter::Ticket | Ticket class |
Plan::Engine::Timeline | Class to gather each maneuver's ETA |
DUNE::Plans::TimeProfile | Utility class to estimate a plan's duration and speed profiles |
DUNE::Maneuvers::VehicleFormation::TPoint | Trajectory point |
DUNE::Maneuvers::FollowTrajectory::TPoint | Trajectory point |
DUNE::Control::PathController::TrackingState::TrackCoord | Track position & velocity |
DUNE::Control::PathController::TrackingState | All data regarding the vehicle's state while tracking the path |
Sensors::MLBL::Transponder | Narrow band transponder |
Sensors::MLBLTracker::Transponder | |
DUNE::Concurrency::TSQueue< T > | The TSQueue is a thread-safe implementation of a FIFO (first-in, first-out) data structure |
DUNE::Concurrency::TSQueue< DUNE::IMC::BackLogEntry * > | |
DUNE::Concurrency::TSQueue< IMC::DUNE::IMC::Message * > | |
DUNE::Concurrency::TSQueue< std::string > | |
DUNE::Concurrency::TSQueue< UCTK::DUNE::Hardware::UCTK::Frame * > | |
DUNE::Concurrency::TSQueue< uint8_t > | |
DUNE::Utils::TupleList | |
Transports::IridiumSBD::TxRequest | This class represents an SBD transmission request |
DUNE::Simulation::UAVSimulation | |
DUNE::Algorithms::UNESCO1983 | Collection of algorithms for calculating fundamental properties of seawater |
DUNE::Network::URL | |
Simulators::USBL::USBLMessage | Struct for the field value in DeviceData Binary message |
DUNE::Navigation::UsblTools | UsblTools provides converter methods for IMC's USBL messages |
DUNE::Coordinates::UTM | |
DUNE::Coordinates::UTMPoint | |
DUNE::Tasks::Parameter::ValuesIf | |
std::vector< T > | STL class |
DUNE::Math::tvector< T > | |
DUNE::Hardware::LUCL::Command::VersionPayload | Version |
DUNE::Monitors::VerticalMonitor | VerticalMonitor monitors the vehicle's progress in the z direction |
DUNE::Media::VideoCapture | |
DUNE::Media::VideoIIDC1394 | |
Simulators::VSIM::Volume | Submersed volume calculation class |
DUNE::Coordinates::WGS84 | Routines for WGS-84 coordinate manipulation |
Vision::DFK51BG02H::WhiteBalance | White-balance filter for Bayer 8 (GBRG) images |
DUNE::Coordinates::WMM | World-magnetic model 2010-2015 interface class |
DUNE::Coordinates::WMMData | |
Simulators::VSIM::World | Virtual World properties |
DUNE::Utils::XML | |
DUNE::Algorithms::XORChecksum | XOR Checksum Algorithm |
Transports::Radio::XxMesg | |
Maneuver::Multiplexer::YoYoArgs | |
DUNE::Control::YoYoMotion | |